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All people go through a stage of finding themselves. Who am I? What is my purpose in life, what do I want to do for the rest of my life. What do I want to do now? What do I like more? Where will I succeed most quickly? What type of activity will I earn the most money? It’s no secret that all successful people got rich by doing what they loved. Often working overtime on weekdays and often taking weekends to do this. And many of the famous scientists made their great discoveries not only in the daytime, but also in their sleep. Which tells us that they devoted their lives to their favorite work so much that they could not forget about their scientific search even in their sleep. Their psyche analyzed the accumulated material 24 hours a day. Work for a modern person, in principle, often takes absolutely no 8 hours a day. But it’s no secret that it’s the favorite thing that gives a person additional energy, and everything we do with no love and through force, on the contrary, takes from us 2 times more energy than is necessary to complete it. So, what will give you a good hint? when choosing a profession: Hobby. Or what do you like to do in your free time? Give yourself an answer to the question: what activity, in principle, does not give you a “feeling of tension”? Read books? Paint? Craft? Perform in a drama club? To give advice? Teach people something? All these trivial questions can give you a hint - “Who are you.” I remember once upon a time, a group leader at a training session asked my friend a similar question: “What do you like to do in your free time! Explain it to me the way you would explain it A 5-year-old child!" She initially replied, “Nothing.” And then she said: “Well, maybe just read a lot, talk and listen.” Later she became a psychologist. )))It is when using the technique of asking questions in a simple form that it is often easier to find any truth. Namely, YOUR work is the one that you do most naturally for yourself! Why do others praise you? Maybe you are the best at performing some task at work. Your friends note advantages in you that you are accustomed to not paying attention to, etc. If you knew that success in this life is achieved easily. What would you choose? Become a pop singer? Open your own business? Etc. What do you buy books about? Do you read articles on websites? What do you like to simply study for yourself and it brings you a feeling of satisfaction? If you had easy money? What would you spend it on? This is a very interesting question that makes us think about what we want. On the one hand, such a question may provoke the answer: “On vacation!” But if you develop the idea further than relaxation and entertainment... Then often this question may turn out to be even more informative than the previous ones. What do you generally don’t mind spending money on? For a music tutor?! (Maybe you are a musician at heart!) If you help the starving children of the third world (you can also help ours)?! (Perhaps you are a super-cool social worker!) If you lightly spend money on a music tutor, but download a pirated version of English courses. So you are a musician! YOU ARE WHAT YOU PAY FOR!! And if you analyze all your answers to the above points, what did you end up with? And always remember that YOUR work is the one that you do most naturally for yourself!
