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For some reason, many people really believe that a wonderful, interesting, rich and wonderful life exists only to a select few. That is, it’s as if there is some kind of group of rich and happy people who are living the life of their dreams, but you still can’t get there. I think many have had such thoughts... What to do with all this? In fact, everything is quite simple - you just have to decide that from today you, too, are, so to speak, chosen for a happy life and start listening to yourself and your desires . You can start small: just notice the beauty around you, enjoy the sun, meetings and warm conversations with family and loved ones, because if you have this, then you are certainly chosen! Since not everyone in their life has, for example, the opportunity spend time with family, not everyone has a loved one. Or even enough time for it. Although, again, time is a rather subjective thing and, if desired, I am sure that it can always be found. Therefore, do not look for excuses, but choose for yourself! After all, who else if not you will do this, right? Yes, from today you are a lucky person who can enjoy your wonderful life to the fullest, so finally do it! Call yourself into a wonderful life, make a choice without waiting for fate or karma. Only you decide all this, and only you decide how you want to live. Try to understand where you have the most obstacles and remove them, rather than continue to endure all this. Remember that God loves everyone equally, and not just the “chosen ones,” and He will definitely help you if only you believe in yourself and that you really deserve all the best in this life. Choose yourself as a whole, and not just “in parts.” You don’t have to think that “I’m good or handsome, but not too smart,” or vice versa. Or “well, I was lucky in my career, but I probably won’t be able to meet my love” or “I was created only for the family, but professional self-realization is no longer my thing.” All this can be YOURS! Together. Just allow yourself this and don’t limit yourself to just one thing. After all, all the boundaries and limitations are primarily in our heads. Eliminate them and you can get more! Your life is worth remembering. Just try and believe in yourself with all your heart! That’s when the dividends will “go” from the Universe, exactly when you begin to relate to everything more easily, to be in the flow, in your place and at the same time not to rush and be nervous, but to relax and just do well our own business, while living high, enjoying and as if playing. After all, this is why we are on this Earth, to enjoy, develop and show our talents. Try it and you simply won’t be able to do it any other way. Because when you realize how cool it is, just “normal” no longer suits you. This is no longer an option. And this applies to everything: work, “quality” and mutual relationships, relaxation and filling yourself with new impressions and emotions. You will want to live a really high-quality and interesting life, and not anyhow. So from time to time ask yourself: "How am I feeling right now? What do I really want?" and most importantly, listen to the answers from within. Save your energy for something truly worthy, not for quarrels or useless proofs of something to someone - accumulate your strength and pay attention to your condition and well-being. Give yourself days of silence, without social networks. DO NOT carry the burden of past grievances within yourself or on yourself, let it all go. Just know where exactly you are going and stay on track. After all, sometimes, if you don’t know where to go and don’t see your future, psychosomatics can even “connect.” This can manifest itself in the form of blurred vision or problems with the legs. And all because you are not going anywhere, but simply standing still, because you simply do not see your path. There can even be problems with the cords and voice because you are hiding your problems. That’s why it’s so important to understand this and
