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In our age of Internet technology, when everyone can enter an exciting question into the search bar and find answers. We have completely forgotten about the most important thing. Thousands of techniques, hundreds of master classes, trainings on how to raise a child, how to make him an excellent student, how to survive tantrums, and so on. We forget that the child does not need these techniques, your training in his upbringing and your permanent employment. He needs your love. Your touch. Your support. Your acceptance of him as a person. Yes, he can be naughty. Yes, he can be spoiled and capricious. Yes, he can throw tantrums all the time. But any such manifestation is another reason to show your attention and care. Your child is an individual. Maybe not yet so mature and independent, but still with his own views, worldview and behavior. And your task is to develop his personality in him. All his abilities and capabilities that he possesses. His capabilities do not always coincide with your expectations. He may not be an excellent student. He may not have any talent for drawing. Or he may not like going to gymnastics at all, as you wanted. But give up your expectations and take a closer look at your child’s capabilities. It is quite possible that he can sing very well. Likes dancing. He also plays football very skillfully. And maybe when he grows up, he will become a famous football player. Our expectations for our children may not always be met. That's why our children are wonderful. They are unique and their uniqueness lies in their uniqueness. You parents are your child’s guide to the adult world. And the way he will enter the adult world depends on how you raise him, show your attention and love. So make the world for him become a world of realization of his capabilities. Believe me, it's within your power.
