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From the author: When I was a little girl, I believed that I must have someone like the Fairy Godmother. A big and kind wizard who will protect and hide me from everything - from unjust, scary adults, from pain, fear and loneliness. He will cover me with great wings and I will never suffer again. He will save me from all these evil and unjust people. She will be carried away to a distant land, just as the swallow carried away Thumbelina. My savior... “Comrade, believe: she will rise as a star of captivating happiness...” “Someday we will definitely be together!” “The time will come when he will come to me or call me to his place, and we will be happy together.” Years pass, but the prince either does not appear at all, or sometimes calls to “cross”, or may write once every couple of weeks from another distant countries or is ready to communicate on Skype at least every day, offering his photo instead. These are different “princes” from different women’s stories. But the fact remains that in all these stories the prince is very far away. If you manage to physically touch him, it’s a wonderful miracle and a huge rarity. And more often, the prince offers himself very dosed from a certain side or does not offer himself at all, but does not kill hope. A woman believes, she believes. Why? Author of the photo: Elya When I was a little girl, I believed that I must have someone like the Fairy Godmother. A big and kind wizard who will protect and hide me from everything - from unjust, scary adults, from pain, fear and loneliness. He will cover me with great wings and I will never suffer again. He will save me from all these evil and unjust people. She will be carried away to a distant land, just as the swallow carried away Thumbelina. My Savior... I'll tell you, I didn't have the worst childhood, I grew up in a loving family. But there were also bad times in my childhood, when I felt like an abandoned child. In the phenomenology of the “abandoned child” there is always a dream about a “savior” - a Good Wizard. This is a great faith that somewhere there is definitely this kind, bright creature. And of course, this creature is present in fairy tales of all times and peoples, warming the souls of all abandoned children. The only problem is that the creature is a fairy tale, born in the soul of a child, woven from his imagination and hopes. In the real world, in real life stories, no one comes. The child has to cope with his abandonment and loneliness on his own. And he learns. He learns to masterly believe, wraps himself in a cloak of fantasies, escaping all life’s adversities in it. His faith is his support, his protection, his fortress, his stronghold. Therefore, it is so difficult for women who love a man, in a relationship with whom there are more fantasies than real meetings, to abandon him. To abandon this relationship is the same as betray yourself. Betray your faith. And this faith is many years old. This is the faith of a small abandoned child in a good wizard, and not the relationship of an adult woman with an adult man. This is where all the pain lies. And liberation. If you return the relationship to the field of reality, and not fantasies and dreams, then you have to meet a real man. With his inability to be with this woman in a real, ordinary human relationship, where there are meetings, sex, children, family. That his role in this woman’s life was to be a wizard, a distant, unattainable prince, and he played her brilliantly. Author of the photo: Tatyana Meshcheryakova Perhaps he, too, was waiting for a fairy. And as long as you were her, distant and romantic, everything was fine. And as soon as they became an ordinary woman who needed something from him, everything was gone. Essentially, everyone was in a relationship with their own fantasy. And as soon as one of the partners suggests shortening the distance, the second one suddenly gets scared. Because then you will have to meet a real person, and it is not clear who he is. And in general, it’s not clear how to deal with him in real life. And whether all this hemorrhage is necessary is also unclear. It’s one thing - sit, text, call once every hundred years, and a completely different thing - sex,...***
