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Let's talk about luck. Why do some people consider themselves lucky, while others do not? (I quote a fragment of an interview for CapriceLifestyle Magazine) Such beliefs are formed in people who justify the success of another person by saying that he was simply lucky, born “with a golden spoon in his mouth.” Because it's easier than putting in the effort and building the life of your dreams. We don’t see how much effort a person puts in, we don’t know how often he fell, but continued to move forward. Usually we don't see the path - only the end result. Therefore, it seems that some people magically have a wonderful life, while others were born under an unlucky star. Are there any methods that help you learn luck? The famous British psychologist, illusionist Richard Wiseman studied the topic of luck and conducted many experiments, as a result of which he identified 4 basic principles to become a real lucky person. Everyone can start performing the exercises developed on their basis on their own now. The first principle is to be able to take advantage of the chance. We are always waiting for the right moment to start something. Instead, you just need to act now. This is what distinguishes a successful person from a loser. The second principle: listen to your intuition. Yes, to do this you need to take risks and trust your inner feelings. But he who does not take risks does not drink champagne. Principle three: prepare yourself for a meeting with luck. Drop the negative mindset of failure. Always believe that everything will work out, it cannot be otherwise. Often we are sure in advance that nothing will work out. Luck loves those who believe in themselves. Principle four: turn any failure into success. Always learn from any failure. We learn from mistakes, we just need to not be afraid to make them. By the way, I tell my students that if we envy someone, this should be used as an opportunity to grow. Because if this particular person and his field of activity aroused our envy, it means that we have the potential to achieve success in this field. Why are coaching and mentoring so popular now? A person needs support, a shoulder to lean on in moments when everything doesn't go as planned, when you want to give up everything. It’s great if you have friends who understand you perfectly, and sitting in the kitchen with a friend, you can trust her with all your worries. But many people live in a frantic pace and have no friends. And in some countries it is simply not customary to share problems with others. In addition, friends may not always understand your problem. For example, when I moved to Australia, I realized that my friends did not understand my problems, since for them it was a completely different world. It is important for me to teach my charges to look for opportunities, to take responsibility for what they want to become. After all, when we stop relying on fate, luck comes into our lives. Of course. You can just sit and wait a long time for the perfect moment to come, or you can start doing something now. Exactly! And my task, as a coach, is to lead a person to this way of thinking as soon as possible. Sometimes you have to be tough. But it helps. One of my clients, after our consultations, said: “If I had gone not to you, but to a psychologist who would wipe my snot, it would have dragged on for two years, but a shock immediately happened to you.” When a person has already achieved a certain result, he needs Should he continue to do the practices? If he sees the result and understands the principles of luck, this becomes normal, like a skill. I recommend keeping a notebook in which the client will perform certain exercises, record sensations, so that at the end he will see what results he has achieved. It doesn't take much time, 15-30 minutes a day is enough. The main thing is to understand what we are striving for and not to forget that in this world everything is possible. Once a person has felt what is called the taste of luck, he will not stop. Of course, none of this works without motivation. No coach will help if a person is not ready to work on
