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From the author: The process of transformation of a person’s personality (we are now talking about development, degradation has a different process) can be described as the transformation from a caterpillar to a butterfly. In nature, a butterfly is obtained from a caterpillar only through transformation into a cocoon, through isolation from everyone and everything and undergoing an internal deep process of transformation. A similar process occurs in a person who decides to change. By observing what happens to people who decide to go into the space of transformation and change, you can track an interesting process. The processes occurring in nature are reflected in our lives, not allowing us to forget that we are also a part of nature. The process of transformation of a person’s personality (we are now talking about development, degradation has a different process) can be described as the transformation from a caterpillar to a butterfly. In nature, a butterfly is obtained from a caterpillar only through transformation into a cocoon, through isolation from everyone and everything and undergoing an internal deep process of transformation. The process of change, or metamorphosis, begins with the larval stage - the caterpillar. The only life goal of this creature is embodied in only one action - to eat. The next stage is the “cocoon”. Finding and living the “cocoon” state is an important and integral part of this process. Without the formation of a cocoon and the harmonious and sufficient living of this state, there will be no butterfly. Everything takes time; the butterfly inside the cocoon must be fully formed. (An important point in the process is not to get stuck and stay in the cocoon, and after the cocoon has matured, the time has come to spread your wings, get rid of the cocoon and learn to fly). Just as a caterpillar, in order to become a butterfly, needs to turn into a cocoon at some point and go into its inner world, so a person who has decided to make radical changes in his life simply needs to be with himself, devote time only to himself, leaving him to wait the world around him. Having realized and felt that life in the form of a caterpillar has already outlived its usefulness, that there is no more space for development (well, unless you become a very big fat caterpillar, lie down, eat and grow fat, degrading until the end of your caterpillar life), a person, having gone through a certain experience, has formed as a person and realizing that he wants dramatic changes, he wraps himself in a cocoon, fences himself off from the outside world and goes into his inner world for some time. Important: complete the transformation process, allow the butterfly to mature and wings to form. Otherwise, the immature butterfly will not be able to fly. When the process is completed, the butterfly has matured - the cocoon falls off, and a beautiful new butterfly, full of strength, is ready to fly out into the world. If the process is completed correctly and the cocoon is discarded in a timely manner, the butterfly will be strong and beautiful, decorating the world, creating beauty, and bringing benefit to the world. Surely any caterpillar would like to become a butterfly, but the fear of going through the “cocoon” process prevents most people from going through this process. Two types of people overcome their fear and go into this process: the first - those who have nothing to lose, those who are “locked in” so much that everything in their caterpillar life has fallen apart and there is practically nothing left except pain, fear and anxiety for the future, and change is the only chance. The second type of people who decide to make drastic changes are those for whom the “caterpillar” life is comfortable, but is so boring, insipid and no longer interesting that they voluntarily take risks and go into this process. They cannot imagine their further life without wings, and voluntarily wrap themselves in a cocoon. There are a very small number of people who were already born “with wings”. And they just grow them and gain strength, they don’t need the “cocoon” stage. This is very rare and meeting and communicating with such people is a great blessing. At first, the wet and crumpled wings of the butterfly are pressed to the sides of its body, gradually they dry out and straighten out. The spread wings become hard, acquire a permanent color - and we see a delightful beauty! People who have gone through the “cocoon” stage, the stage of transformation, acquire.
