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Asthenia quite often, if not almost always, occurs in anxiety disorders. Asthenia is a condition in which increased fatigue, rapid exhaustion, unstable mood, feeling of weakness, etc. occur. Asthenia has several groups of manifestations. Let's look at each one.1. Weakness Weakness manifests itself in physical and mental fatigue, a rapid loss of strength, fatigue, limited performance. People faced with asthenia are incapable of prolonged stress, as they quickly get tired and cannot focus on anything for a long time. They experience powerlessness, which is often accompanied by tears and despair.2. Irritability The nervous system becomes hyperexcitable. If earlier a person could not pay attention to many things, now any little thing is enough to make him angry. You can say that a person turns into a bare wire that reacts to everything. Anger, explosiveness, increased excitability, touchiness, pickiness, vulnerability, anxiety, fussiness, dissatisfaction - all this often accompanies a person in an asthenic state.3. Sleep disorders Since a person is in an overexcited state, he has problems sleeping. Firstly, it is extremely difficult for him to fall asleep. Falling asleep takes more than 30 minutes. Secondly, sleep is very sensitive, restless, and intermittent. A person may wake up several times during the night. Thirdly, a person may wake up too early and be unable to fall back to sleep. Let's say he needs to get up at 8 in the morning, but he gets blown up at 5, and then can’t fall asleep. Fourthly, sleep does not bring recovery. A feeling as if the person had not slept, lack of energy after waking up, drowsiness during the day. Desire to sleep, but can’t fall asleep.4. Vegetative activity Well, here we have a full range of vegetative manifestations. Vascular disorders - fluctuations in pressure, pulse, changes in skin color. The man turns red and turns pale. There are unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the heart, extrasystoles. Tension headache - a feeling of tightness in the head, as if wearing a helmet or a hoop. Dizziness, sensations of a lump in the throat, gastrointestinal disorders, weak muscle tone, lethargy, numbness, etc. Asthenia can be a consequence of an anxiety disorder, or it can be a consequence of a disruption in the body’s functioning. Accordingly, before trying to treat asthenia, it is necessary to understand why it arose. If the reason was that you have anemia, a problem with hormones, or a deficiency of vitamins, then working with your anxiety will be useless. First, we improve our health, then we correct anxiety. If the cause is purely anxiety, then it is necessary to correct it, restore resources, improve nutrition, sleep, add physical activity, and learn to rest. Asthenia will go away after a person restores his resources and stops depleting them.
