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Timoshka ran around the apartment in search of his mother. His eyes were full of tears, and his body was shaking with sobs. In less than 1.5 years, his mother was his whole world, the only person from whom he could find solace and protection from all troubles. A minute ago he tripped, fell and destroyed the building that he had so carefully erected. Mom was busy with breakfast. She felt sleepy and calm. Hearing the child's cry and the approaching patter of feet, she sighed and prepared for a small flood of tears. Looking into the baby's big tear-stained eyes, she knelt down and said: “Are you hurt? Did you hit yourself? The kid pointed to the leg with the words “bo-bo”, and then babbled something in his own language, pointing towards the room where he was playing. Mom stroked his leg. “Are you upset that the turret is broken?” The baby nodded his head and continued to cry. The mother hugged him and internally allowed the baby to cry out his pain and resentment, and for herself to simply be with him in this. She said inside herself: “I allow you to cry, I am an adult, I can withstand your pain, I will help you cope with it.” Surprisingly, when she did this, her son calmed down very quickly. Usually, when her son cried, she would shrink internally and her only desire at that moment was to hide somewhere in the back room, move the child away from her, and for someone else to listened to all these screams. Children's hysterics and crying were simply unbearable for her. And then usually the child cried and cried inconsolably. But this time, the inner confidence that she will endure and stay close did their job.*** For a child, a mother is a kind of mental container where the child can place his emotions that he cannot cope with: anxiety, pain, anger, etc. When a mother is able to understand, name and reflect these emotions to the child, she is able to withstand them, digest them and not collapse, the child’s crying quickly fades away. If a parent “protects himself” from children’s emotions and is not ready to deal with them, then he acts impulsively (screaming, spanking, punishment), and the child can continue the hysteria for a long time. Why can it be difficult for us to perform this containing function? Because we also have a child living inside us, scared, traumatized, who has not received love, acceptance, or whose boundaries have been violated, who is ready here to burst into tears, or start screaming, or fight in defense, when faced with something painful. The space of a psychotherapeutic session is a place where the inner child can express himself in safety, finally he can be heard, and not only manifested through impulsive actions. And as clients noted: “the more during the session I allowed myself to be a child, the more mature I became in everyday life.”».
