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How to love a person for who he is In this small article I can outline only a few intriguing points on this topic, whoever wants to know more, at the end I will put a link to a free seminar. So, let's begin. You all know that falling in love passes sooner or later. The state when, thanks to the biochemical nature of falling in love, we are completely uncritical of our partner passes. And a real person completely unfamiliar to us appears in front of us, what should we do? The main thing is not to panic. Love hasn't gone away. You just need to know it. But it is necessary to build conscious relationships in a new way. I hope you still want this? At this stage, you just need to know the value of the differences. And something about the family system. Remember that your marriage is fateful. It was no coincidence that you met and fell in love with each other. True, there is one difficulty here, this happens unconsciously and it is not a fact that if you knew the whole mechanism that binds people into marriage, this would happen exactly like this. Here I am forced to say a little about family entanglements. What is it? We were all born not from a ray of the Sun, but in some specific clan, clan or family system. And whether we like it or not, we are firmly woven into it through certain connections. In any family there are different destinies and they were not always easy. Since there is a common ancestral soul, you are also woven into it. And we are not always aware of these connections, and what we are not aware of affects us especially strongly. And all this endows us with a certain behavior. It is almost impossible to extract from this behavior (such as it is, including in a newly created family). This is usually expressed in the words: “Everything is useless, my partner does not change, no matter what I do.” And then we say to ourselves: “All this is impossible to tolerate anymore.” And here, too, we should not despair. Everything can still be fixed. You can do a family constellation and see who is associated with such unacceptable behavior for you (if, of course, your partner agrees). If you have already exhausted the limit of good attitude towards each other, you should look at the separation with the thought that if you If you have children, you will never be separated until the end. Children consist of halves of the souls of their parents and, thus, will always unite you. And the relationship will still have to be resolved sooner or later. There is simply no escape from improving relationships! You should always improve relationships: before marriage, during marriage and after. And you can do this even in seemingly the most hopeless situations if you understand what your other half is woven into their family, and what they carry fates. I am sure that after such realizations you will learn to be lenient towards each other. Someone will be able to leave the shackles of family intertwining, but in any case, relationships will become easier. In case of divorce. If you think that you can raise children without a spouse and do not want to build relationships that are painful for you. Well, you have the right to this. Only you should know that children will behave with you completely differently than they did in marriage. They will be forced to represent your absent spouse in your family. And you will have a hard time with them. Moreover, contacting a psychologist about children’s behavior will be completely useless. They can't do otherwise. They love both parents in their souls (even if they say otherwise). And I will upset you even more if I suggest you think several generations ahead. You also contribute to the construction of generic behavior patterns. Even if your life is fun and wonderful, it’s not a fact that your grandchildren and great-grandchildren will succeed. Someone will repeat your mistakes out of love for you, just to say in their soul: “I’m just like you, you not alone" . Do you want your great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren to also separate from their spouses out of love for you? Or do you want to treat your loved ones correctly without harming future generations of your family? It’s up to you to decide. To learn more about the systemic view of family life, come to the seminar, where I will cover these and
