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Unfortunately, this also happens. And it happens quite often, despite the fact that some spouses prefer not to see betrayal. However, it happened and you are now aware. Either after the denunciation of “good people”, or the husband (or wife) himself was caught red-handed or confessed - it doesn’t matter, it’s important to know how to live with this further, and what to do? Many women are in no hurry to find evidence because they have no idea what to do with it, and, one might say, they act very wisely. However, if the evidence is already in hand, and it is impossible to pretend that it is absent, how to react and what actions to take? It is difficult to give unambiguous advice in this situation. It all depends on the character of the deceived spouse, on what feelings and circumstances connect her with the “guilty” half, and on what kind of betrayal it was - accidental, “one-time”, or lasted for years. Both women and men behave differently in such cases. Impulsive and emotional people are able to immediately pack their suitcase and throw their careless spouse out the door. Others simply withdraw into themselves, suffering and realizing that they are not ready to make a hasty decision. This usually happens to a woman if she loves her husband very much, categorically does not want to be left alone, or does not want to traumatize her children. If, on top of everything else, the husband does not want to leave, but, on the contrary, swears that this will not happen again, then making a radical decision is doubly difficult. Of course, it's up to you to decide. After all, no one except you can accurately weigh all the pros and cons; you yourself are also the best informed about your experiences and doubts. However, it can be very difficult to understand such a difficult moment within yourself. In order not to make irreparable mistakes, you should not chop rashly. The situation requires you to take a very competent and responsible step at a time when it is most difficult to act competently and soberly assess the situation. In this case, it is best to contact a qualified psychologist - together we can figure out how to get out of this impasse with the least possible losses and not get into a situation that is even more difficult. Betrayal is, of course, a serious blow to pride and self-esteem. Any person who has just learned about it is overwhelmed by a wave of indignation. The person does not understand how his other half could do this. Then the painful question arises: “Why did this happen to me?” one gives up, life loses its colors, and the future suddenly seems bleak and gloomy. Try not to rush into decisions and don’t burn all your bridges at once. In fact, it is within your power to overcome any crisis, and every person has the potential to overcome it. First of all, having learned about the betrayal, try to drive away the thoughts that you are to blame for what happened. Relationships outside the family, unfortunately, occur in 70% of men and 20% of women. Alas, no family is immune from this. A typical reaction on the part of the deceived spouse in such a situation is a categorical decision to break off the relationship with a preliminary clarification of the relationship. However, think about it, is it worth getting excited? After all, usually only the most short-sighted decisions are made in the heat of the moment. Try to make an effort and give yourself a break so that the tension goes away a little and the emotions calm down a little. When you feel that you can reason more or less adequately, and that common sense has returned to you at least partially, only then can you try to take some action. Think about how you are going to build your life further, what would you like to see it like in a year, two, ten? Will your spouse be present in it, what is his place in it, imagine his behavior and attitude towards you after N number of years. Think about the imaginary picture: does it suit you? Do you like what you see? Try to write down in your notebook which of what you “saw” you liked and which you didn’t. Then imagine life without your spouse, and also write down possible pros and cons..
