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From the author: One of the most pressing problems of today is the problem of the growth of psychosomatic diseases. This is due, first of all, to general social tension, the rhythm of life of each of us... “Nature wants children to be children before being adults. If we want to disrupt this order, we will produce early-ripening fruits that will have neither ripeness nor taste and will not slow down in spoiling. We will get young doctors and old children. Our children have their own way of seeing, thinking and feeling, and there is nothing more unreasonable than wanting to replace it with ours...” Jean-Jacques Rousseau More and more often people come to see me who, for one reason or another, feel internal discomfort. This discomfort manifests itself both on an emotional and physical level, regardless of whether it is a child or an adult. Every emotional symptom has a response in the body. Many of us diligently take care of our health, take preventive measures to strengthen the immune system, but for completely “inexplicable” reasons we discover various symptoms that indicate a deviation in our health. How can we find out what causes the symptoms that worry each of us so much? I have been researching this topic for a long time, studying many literary publications, reinforcing my beliefs in practice, and I want to share with you information that, in my opinion, will allow everyone who reads this article to think about it. Speaking about the predisposition to the development of certain symptoms, I really want to touch on the topic childhood, since it is this foundation that is the starting point for the appearance of “dormant” trigger mechanisms in our body, regardless of age restrictions. In the first years of life, it is very important for a child to be emotionally protected, filled with contact with his mother, since it is the mother who is the first object through which the child learns about the world around him. When a child lacks emotional contact, so-called “emotional starvation” occurs; other systems of our body come into play, helping to create a safe environment. Other symptoms “come out” in the form of painful physical reactions and attract attention. Such manifestations are called psychosomatic disorders. This definition can combine 3 types of disorders: conversion reactions, “mental conflict” (manifest precisely when we are unable to emotionally cope with the current situation, for example, the voice suddenly disappears); functional reactions (when the functional performance of a particular organ is disrupted, for example, numbness of a limb); and the third type is psychosamotosis (accompanied by pathological disorders of the organs and systems of the body, for example bronchitis). It is the manifestation of bodily symptoms, the “language of illness” that reflects the internal state of mind. This can be caused by several factors: internal conflict, conditional gain, past experience, identification with another person, self-hypnosis or self-punishment. With prolonged psychological stress, it is difficult for the body to cope and an imbalance occurs in the internal systems of the body and organs. The human body can be considered as a metaphor for a “high multi-level structure.” When we are unable to make a conscious decision so that “our structure” remains intact, psychological defense systems are activated, and the subconscious takes on the leading role, blocking, “hiding” our experiences in the very depths. Very precisely, in one of our In an interview, Dr. D. Montague put it: “You get stomach ulcers not from what you eat, but from what eats you.” Pay attention to the manifestations of symptoms of a psychosomatic nature, this is a bright beacon for you that something is wrong with the child, that for a given period of time he needs your attention. Social adaptation may also contribute to the manifestation of these symptoms..
