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Perhaps this is the most common and, in general, the main mistake in a couple’s relationship. Dear girls and women, it is difficult to expect that a man who, for example, has already been married twice, will stop there... If a man drank or beat (humiliated, was jealous... etc., etc.), in a previous relationship , then he can “get married” to you for some time, and later everything will return “to normal.” A person, in general, is not inclined to change if he himself does not want it or if extreme situations do not occur in life that change a person without his participation. Of course, these are global things. But, I assure you that it is oh, how difficult, and sometimes impossible, to change an adult in everyday “little things.” If your husband “slurps” while eating, then this will not change and, moreover, get ready for your child to do the same. We are all raised in different families, with different levels of culture and education. And if these levels do not differ too much from each other, then problems on this basis will not arise. If the difference is large (especially if it is a difference in national cultures), then misunderstanding and/or rejection will inevitably arise at some point. Not everyone can cope with this, even with strong love. But even just individual personality traits are difficult to change, and some are impossible. For example, many people know that people are divided, for example, according to channels of information perception into visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic learners (there are also digital learners, but that’s not what we’re talking about today). The “picture” that he sees is important to the visual. Auditory - sounds, and kinesthetics - sensations. How does this manifest itself in everyday life? Visual needs external order and beauty at home (and not only at home...) Auditory will react very strongly to changes in the tone and volume of your voice, the TV always on or the music on... A kinesthetic person will surround himself with things that are comfortable for him... (Oh, these kinesthetic people! Clothes hung in the most unexpected places, mugs with unfinished tea... Visual learners will understand me))). Could there be conflicts because of this? They can! What else! What to do in all these (so different) cases? Try to negotiate in small things, but in global ones - decide for yourself whether I can accept it or not. Without expecting that you can change your partner. Do I love him so much that I can accept his shortcomings and come to terms with them? Or not? You can read more about mistakes in relationships on my VKontakte page.
