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I hope this article will help us understand the reasons for what has been happening to all of us lately, when plans collapse, destinies break and everything goes downhill. First, I'll introduce myself. Valentina Nikitenko is a certified psychologist and psychotherapist starting her career. I am practicing in a spiritually oriented direction, which, for now, stands modestly on the sidelines, apart, somewhere in the shadows, unfortunately. What is this direction in psychology and psychotherapy and where does it come from? And it comes from where the legs grow - from the very foundation, root, origins of the origin of this science. Psychology (from the Greek psyche - soul, logos - teaching, science) is the science of the patterns of development and functioning of the psyche (highly organized mental matter) as a special form of life activity. It follows from this that Psychology, as a science, is spiritually oriented. Why am I Am I writing this? And to the fact that we, as spiritual, highly organized beings, know nothing about ourselves...Who are we? What are we doing here? Why?... And a whole series of questions to which the answer should be given by such a great and wise science as Psychology - the science of Knowledge about the Soul, about Its development and functioning. But... in Psychology everything is turned upside down and upside down now the science of the laws of development and functioning of highly organized mental and spiritual matter no longer occupies its dominant position, and, by and large, has turned into continuous behavioral pluralism (this does not apply to the humanistic direction). And, accordingly, in such an upside-down head, as they say, there is a complete mess. And if the science of Knowledge about the Soul does not answer these questions that concern humanity, then... what happens to us is what is happening. Yes, psychology brings tangible benefits, helps people find temporary ways out of various life situations. But...we, again and again, get into something, driving ourselves to hysteria and emotional disorders. This trend is growing. But the question is different - why?!? Why did we come to such a deplorable and sad result, or rather, to the end. And now let’s touch on the historical roots of psychology. The brief psychological dictionary, M. 1985, says that psychology originated in the depths of Philosophy. The pinnacle of psychology in the period of antiquity was the teaching of Aristotle (treatises “On the Soul”, “On the Origin of Animals”, etc.), in which the soul is interpreted as a form of organization of a material body capable of life. That is, the first textbook on psychology on earth was the treatise “On the Soul” and this should not be forgotten. Therefore, the very name Psychology speaks for itself, about its mental and spiritual orientation. This was first discussed by Carl Gustav Jung and other progressive psychologists, who believed that when healing a person, a psychotherapist must take into account not only his body and mind, but also his soul. Continuing the theme of the historical past of the birth of Psychology, for some reason the time of the coming of Jesus Christ to Earth, who brought us new spiritual knowledge - commandments based on love for one's neighbor, for the world around us, is lost sight of. The Christian community lives by the teachings of Jesus Christ, following which a person gains spiritual balance, inner harmony and spiritual unity with the outside world. This large-scale event in the history of mankind, which changed the consciousness of people, radically reorienting it in a new direction, is called a new time - our era, and we must not forget this. Jesus brought us knowledge of how to become a perfect person on Earth. Following the commandments of Jesus, a person spiritually awakens, improves, and purifies. Therefore, I consider the Bible, or rather the New Testament, to be the first textbook on psychology of our modern time, and Jesus as a Spiritual Teacher, Psychologist. You can agree or disagree with these conclusions, but the Lord God created man. And what a person should be, and for what purposes he was created, is written in the Holy Scriptures. Jesus not only brought knowledge of how to become a perfect man on Earth, He became such a Man. This is the meaning of Life. Why do I need all this? –.
