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Have you decided to send your child to a preschool education institution? But how will he react to the fact that his mother, who has always been there, will now come only in the evening, and instead of her throughout the day he will have to be with the teacher and a dozen other children? About what adaptation is and how much adaptation to the conditions of an educational institution can Many books and articles have been written about being difficult for a child. But often the mother of the tiny creature is also subjected to severe stress. Not only the baby is preparing for his first day in the new team. The mother must also prepare properly so that the first and subsequent days of the adaptation process do not become chaotic, so that everything goes as smoothly as possible! So, before bringing your child, talk in advance with the teacher or the head of the institution. She will dictate to you a list of everything you need to have with you on the first and subsequent days. The list may include: disposable diapers (if your child is still young), spare sets of clothes, a comb, a change of shoes, as well as a doctor's note, payment receipts and much more. She will explain whether lateness is allowed, what the group schedule is, what the meal and sleep schedule is. After this, talk with the educational psychologist of the preschool educational institution. He will tell you about the features of the adaptation process and determine the time at which time you need to bring your baby. Having received detailed information from the institution’s staff, now proceed to the following: 1. Make sure that your child's preschool attendance is necessary at this time. The child feels if the parents doubt the appropriateness of the decision and can use their hesitation to resist separation from their relatives. Children whose parents have no alternative to an educational institution adapt more easily and quickly.2. Tell your child what a kindergarten is and why children go there.3. When passing by an educational institution, tell your child how lucky he is that he will soon be able to go there. Tell your family and friends in the presence of your baby about your luck, say that you are proud of your child, because he was accepted into kindergarten.4. Tell your child in detail about the daily routine at the educational institution, what he will do and in what order. The more detailed your story is, the calmer and more confident your child will feel when he comes here. Ask him what he will do after the walk, where he will put his things, who will help him undress, what will he do after lunch? This way you can understand whether the child remembers the sequence of events well. Children are frightened by the unknown, but when they see that the expected event occurs, as announced earlier, they feel more confident.5. Explain to your child who he can turn to for help if any difficulties arise. Explain that there will be many children in the group and sometimes he will have to wait his turn.6. A child gets used to it faster if he can build relationships with a large number of children and adults. Help him with this. When you meet other parents and children of the group, ask him about Dasha and Sasha. Encourage your child to socialize with other children.7. Be lenient and tolerant of others. There are no ideal people, but it is necessary to clarify the situation that worries you in a gentle form, turning to a teacher or educational psychologist.8. In the presence of a child, avoid making critical remarks about the educational institution and its employees. Trust the teacher and never frighten your child in kindergarten!9. During the adaptation period, emotionally support the baby.10. Remember that it may take a child from 2 weeks to several months to get used to the conditions of an educational institution. Calculate your strengths, capabilities and plans. We discussed the preparatory moment, and now let’s move on to the second stage. Yes, mother’s heart breaks atthe sounds of a child's desperate cry. Especially when this cry accompanies her every morning for several weeks and sounds in her memory all day. You have to go through this if you really need a kindergarten, otherwise you shouldn’t even start! I offer recommendations that will help you part with your child in a preschool education institution as painlessly as possible: - tell the child in a confident and friendly tone that it’s time for you to go. - kiss him, as if nothing is happening, and leave without delay. Remember, long farewells mean long tears. Therefore, when you leave, leave. Don’t poison your soul by watching the site from behind the fence or listening under the door. By the way, children calm down faster immediately after mom disappears from sight. - Tell the child how he can determine the time when you should come for him (for example, right after lunch) and be specific. - Remind the child all the time that He is loved and dear to you as before. Be prepared for the fact that the first days and even weeks can be difficult - the child may refuse to eat in the institution, sleep poorly during the day, get very tired, cry a lot, look lethargic and depressed... The natural feelings of any mother are pity, compassion and, perhaps even a feeling of guilt for the suffering caused. How to cope with this condition? First, be confident and consistent in your decision. Be optimistic yourself and infect others with this optimism. Do not show your anxiety to your child. Share your experiences with your husband, your or his parents, girlfriends and work colleagues. You will hear many comforting stories about how children got used to the educational institution and then did not want to leave. You will be surprised to find that after several years, parents generally have difficulty remembering the difficulties of the first days of attending kindergarten. If you yourself attended an educational institution, try to remember your childhood - many adults remember only the last couple of years before school and their memories include only games and matinees. The pain of parting with parents is not retained in memory. If you remember any negative moments, think about how you can help your child cope with them, what you expected from your parents when you were a child. Do not transfer your negative childhood experiences to your baby. If you were not always comfortable in the institution, for example, you were offended by children or teachers were sometimes unfair - this does not mean that your child will go through the same path. In the end, these are different times, different conditions, and, for sure, you have found the best preschool education institution of all possible options. Don’t make the mistake and don’t take breaks in visiting - a week at home will not only help your child adapt to the institution, but will also demonstrate to him that there is another option that can be achieved with all our might. Of course, a mother who has been sitting at home with him since the birth of her child and practically never left him for several years, even for a few hours, will find it very difficult to come to terms with the fact that she does not know what her baby is doing at the moment. At home she will feel empty and lonely without the patter of little feet, the rattling of toys, the laughter or crying of a loved one. Even a working woman will worry, although she has been separated from her child for the whole day before. But while the baby is at home with his grandmother or nanny, the mother is constantly aware of their activities, can often call home, and in the evening receives a detailed report about the day, about each achievement of the child and about each of his tricks. After a day in kindergarten, the mother, of course, will receive a short report from the teacher, but it will most likely include only a few facts about how and what the child ate (or did not eat), how much he slept, etc. The vocabulary of young children is limited, so it won’t be long before the mother can expect a clear and detailed story from the child himself about his day. A little time will pass and it may seem to you that the baby’s behavior has changed. He became more moody. In the evenings, unexpected tantrums may await you. !
