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Is it difficult to make a decision? Are you tormented by doubts? We’ve already weighed all the options and seem to have made a decision, but something is stopping us... What prevents us from making a final choice is the fear of making a mistake, the fear of being judged by others. We are afraid of the consequences that will come after making a decision. Making a decision is choosing one alternative and refusing another. We cannot get everything at once and, therefore, the fear of loss rises. As a result, I am afraid of making a mistake and feeling bad, guilty, and then feel sorry and scold yourself. How to help yourself make a decision? Set yourself a deadline for making a decision. It all depends on the situation: week, month, year. During this time, whatever decision is made, we will implement it. Remember that not making a decision is also a decision that will entail consequences. And only you choose whether you want to influence your destiny, or leave it to the power of chance. Use writing techniques to organize your thoughts: a personal journal, random writing (all the thoughts that come to mind about making a decision) or specific questions - Descartes square technique. Analyze your past: What helped me make good decisions before? Did I take someone else’s advice or rely on intuition? How did I feel after making decisions? After how long did the importance of the decision for me weaken? What results did I achieve in the end? As a result of the analysis, you will understand that you can trust yourself. After all, many of the decisions you have made have already made you who you are. You have already coped, you have already been able to. If you are afraid of not being able to cope with something after making a decision, write down all your resources that have helped and are helping you cope with difficulties. This includes your personal qualities, the help of loved ones and material resources, etc. . Realize that you are not powerless. Answer a series of questions: What are the short-term and long-term advantages and disadvantages of staying in the current situation? What prospects does staying in the past deprive you of? What advice would you give to your loved one in a similar situation? _______________________ The main thing to understand when making a decision is - this is that there is no ideal choice. The situation is constantly changing, life is not static and it is impossible to guess or know anything in advance. Therefore, it is worth removing inflated demands and desires to get an ideal result. It is better to once again support yourself and tell yourself: “Then, what I did in that period of time was sufficient and consistent with what I could, knew and what resources I had."
