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From the point of view of biochemistry, our mood is controlled by hormones. When there is a lot of stress in life, unpleasant situations, getting stuck in negative scenarios and stress hormones (cortisol, adrenaline, norepinephrine) are produced more than happiness hormones, a disorder occurs in the body : diseases develop, immunity decreases, chronic fatigue, blues, depression appear. Good mood, physical and mental health, joy are influenced by happiness hormones: oxytocin - gives a person a feeling of security, closeness, belonging, tenderness, affection. It is developed in close relationships, also in a group of people, when we feel kinship, unity, belonging, love, acceptance. It is produced during hugs, orgasm, and also when a mother is carrying a child and breastfeeding it. Dopamine - is produced with pleasure from achieving a goal, reward, and is responsible for motivation. It is also the “newness” hormone. When a person enjoys doing something for the first time, learning, growing, traveling, trying a new dish, this feeling is achieved through the production of dopamine. Dopamine levels can be increased by introducing the habit of celebrating your small successes every day and praising and rewarding yourself for them. When significant results are achieved, a large portion of dopamine is produced, and this feeling motivates one to achieve even more. Serotonin is the hormone of “status and respect.” It is developed when we feel respected, influence others, and occupy a high place in the hierarchy of the system. When people emphasize their status with expensive things, cars, brands, they thus increase the level of serotonin. Endorphin - acts as a pain reliever, gives a feeling of well-being and is produced during physical activity, sex, laughter, crying - when there is a release of tension. Its production is also influenced by music, meditation, sweet food - something that promotes relaxation. In this way, we can consciously regulate our mood and level of happiness, giving ourselves a portion of the necessary hormones. To understand your needs and the usual ways to feel like a happy person, you can answer the questions: 1) what do I do every day to feel good? 2) what helps me cope with stress? what do I strive to get and do when I am hurt, sad, lonely? 3) what reward motivates me to move when my strength runs out? 4) do I receive all the necessary hormones of happiness (according to the designations described above) or do I concentrate on 1-2 (for example , I always strive to emphasize my status and play hard at sports, but at the same time I don’t receive enough love, feelings of affection and avoid new experiences)?
