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From the author: Continuation of the article “Win ​​an Argument? Mission Impossible-1” If you feel driven by arguments and don’t later regret the wasted time and effort, then don’t waste time reading this article. If you understand that this is an addiction, that every now and then you get involved in an argument, argue furiously, and then feel empty, then try to start with strict control of this behavior style of yours (now clear to you from the previous article). At least for a short time, follow the alcoholic’s principle: not a single drop of argument. Do not think that you will have to part with the dispute forever. No. For some time, you will train your EGO, explain some things to yourself, and you will be able to conduct interesting dialogues, defend your point of view, but not get emotionally involved in the conversation and not cross the line of respect for the participants in the dispute. I will not give you specific advice, but directions in which it makes sense to think. Direction one. To develop the muscles of the body, they need to be trained and do certain exercises. To learn how to stop emotions, you also need to train yourself to do this. There are many meditative techniques that will allow you to practice the ability to disidentify with emotions: track emotions, observe them, and not give in to them. Every day, as a form of exercise, repeat the exercises to keep your attention on one point, and not get carried away by your experiences. Over time, after regular training, it will become easier for you to abstract yourself from emotions in real life. Direction two. Stop before you get into an argument. Answer the question: why do you need this dispute? Even if we assume, which cannot be, that you drive your opponent into a corner? And then what? He will disagree with you out of spite. And even if he agreed, which cannot be (I insistently repeat), then what will you get from it? What will this give you? You will not get anything as a result of any dispute, but imagine how much time and effort you will spend... And no result. Perhaps, after a minute of reflection, your desire to argue will weaken (if not disappear). Direction three. Remember how amazing the world is: people have their own views and refuse to accept yours. They will argue with you, disagree, criticize your ideas. And this cannot be avoided. You will not be able to convince everyone that you are right. This is the order of things in this world. Direction four. In the event that someone provokes you to participate in an argument, try to “dodge the bullet” by saying something like: “Perhaps you are right. But your view of the situation depends on your age, knowledge, momentary emotions, views and beliefs. It is not immutable.", or "Sorry, I don't want to discuss this with you anymore. We will get nowhere, but will only get angry. Let's not let ideas that you and I disagree about come between us," or "If you think this party is better, then you will vote for it, and I will vote for the one that I support. Why do we need to discuss this? Direction five. Try to understand the Other's position. Just as an experiment (game). This can be damn exciting..
