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Types of jealousy In the previous article, I talked about what jealousy is and why do people get jealous? What is jealousy and why do people get jealous? (b17.ru) in this article I would like to talk about the types of jealousy. Tyrannical jealousy manifests itself in despotic and emotionally distant people who, at the slightest cooling in a relationship, see the reason not in themselves, but in their partner. “Yeah, she doesn’t pay attention to me, she rarely writes or calls, so someone else has appeared.” Such a person cannot think that the reason for the lack of intimacy may be in him or his behavior. Jealousy from low self-esteem is characteristic of anxious people who doubt themselves and see in everyone they meet a potential rival. Such people consider themselves not beautiful, smart, slim enough and are generally prone to self-flagellation. They demand constant attention from their partner, and if they don’t receive enough of it, there immediately arises a reason for jealousy. These people need to work on their self-confidence. Manipulative jealousy. A favorite trick of abusive men or women is to make their partner jealous. Manipulators are capable of inventing fans for themselves, sitting on the phone with an intriguing look, smiling when they receive a message, staying late after work and not picking up the phone. Gradually, the partner begins to go crazy with jealousy, even if there is no real reason or reason. Sometimes, the poisonous flowers of jealousy grow from past negative experiences. This happens if in childhood one of the partners experienced separation from a significant adult: divorce or death of one of the parents. The trauma remained, and a fear of intimacy and trust arose. Perhaps the person in a past relationship experienced repeated betrayals or regular devaluation and criticism. Pathological jealousy A person experiencing normal jealousy will not enter into competition with all potential rivals. He will understand that the problem lies primarily with him. But if other mechanisms are used - limiting a partner’s communication with people of the opposite sex, controlling his movements, checking phones and other gadgets, then jealousy can develop into pathological jealousy. Pathological jealousy is dangerous. She might even kill. According to unofficial data, in Russia every 8th murder is committed out of jealousy, and this is approximately 14% of the total number of crimes that are classified as particularly serious. What are the main differences between normal and pathological jealousy: A pathological jealous person loses the ability to critically and objectively analyze facts . A person is driven by irrational feelings that are based on unconfirmed facts of betrayal. Such a jealous person sees rivals at every step. And even if the partner’s innocence has been proven many times, “Othello” continues to torment his lover with suspicions, accusations and control. Pathological jealousy leads to tyranny, which is especially pronounced in men. Jealous men limit the space of their ladies, lock them up, take away their phones, and force them to interrupt communication with close friends and relatives. A woman becomes a prisoner of her jealous partner, but he still continues to be jealous of her, inventing more and more stories about betrayal, sometimes completely incredible. Pathological jealousy can be a sign of a serious illness. This condition is typical for nervous and emotional disorders and even personality disorders. Pathological jealousy tends to recur. Even if the jealous person calms down for a while and stops his suspicions, in 99.9% of cases the jealousy will return. Perhaps with a vengeance. Pathological jealousy seems to blind a person, changes his thinking, and even the behavior of a jealous person resembles the behavior of a patient suffering from a mental disorder. Psychiatrists are involved in curing this type of jealousy, when reality is overshadowed by delusion. Here you cannot do without drug therapy and an in-depth study of the causes of manic jealousy. Sign up for!
