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At psychological sessions, the question from women is often raised: “Why doesn’t my partner want to marry me? He always avoids answering” or an argument arises from a couple who live together without formalizing the relationship: “Having met once, we decided to just live together to understand whether we were suitable for each other, but it dragged on for 7 years, and we are already We don’t see any prospects for the development of our relations. What should we do?” Let’s try to understand the question “How does a marriage entered into at the registry office affect relationships?” First, let’s put a little emphasis on concepts that are often used in Russian society, but are not always used for their intended purpose and in the correct interpretation. There is an opinion that cohabitation is a civil marriage between two partners living together, which is terminologically incorrect. Unregistered cohabitation is a form of informal marriage and family relations. In turn, a registered marriage or civil marriage is a family and conjugal relationship between a man and a woman, which is legally registered in the registry office. In differential psychology, it is noted that married life has significant advantages over cohabitation, since it implies 3 levels of relationships between partners . Let's consider them in more detail. Level 1 - social, is mandatory and implies state registration of marriage. It is based on a contractual relationship between husband and wife, supported by responsibility, fulfillment of assumed obligations and certain functions for the prosperity and functioning of the family, and mutual agreement on basic issues of cohabitation. During life, traditions, values, and rules are developed at the social level, including guidelines for raising children and running a joint household, prospects for recreation or changing living conditions. When young spouses get married, it is important to pay attention to the agreement on the fulfillment of certain obligations. Everyone puts in their efforts and takes responsibility, for example, we both raise children, the wife tidies up, cooks food, washes and irons clothes, and the husband buys groceries, picks up the children from kindergarten in the evening and takes them to clubs, vacuums the dishes while cleaning They wash in turns depending on how busy they are during the week. To consolidate agreements, you can write out obligations at the initial level, draw them up on a piece of paper and post them in a visible place. In this case, the sheet is supported by the signatures of both parties to the contract and the date. Of course, life does not stand still and adjustments can be made to this agreement with the consent of the husband and wife. It is worth noting that everyday issues very often become the cause of discord, discord and conflicts, which lead to disappointments and even divorces. Therefore, it is not recommended to treat the discussion of obligations carelessly or with disdain. It is better to foresee everything in advance, especially since each spouse in the parental families had their own systems of relationships and they, as a rule, are strikingly different from each other. If a man does not marry and prefers cohabitation for a long period, then this means that he is not interested in marriage. Or, if he doesn’t get married and says that a stamp is not the main thing in a relationship, then he doesn’t want to take responsibility, maybe he doesn’t trust or believes that there may be better options. In this regard, conclusions need to be drawn if cohabitation lasts for 3 or more years. It is better to get out of this relationship to create a strong registered relationship. Level 2 - emotional, is considered in psychology not mandatory, but the most significant for family relationships. It includes acceptance, experiences, freedom based on trust in a partner, regardless of his gender, status and external attractiveness. It is this level that implies feelings and sensations, love and the desire to do something pleasant for a loved one; it creates the basis for
