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Many of us have been or are in painful relationships. Someone moves from one to another. Moreover, we understand that something is wrong, but for some reason there is great difficulty in leaving them. We can really tell everyone that we want to break off a relationship, but we continue to stay in it. If you are exactly the person who is now in a relationship where it is bad and wants to change it, then try to find out from yourself: ▪which of these relationships do I take ?▪Why is it important for me to still be in it?▪Am I really ready for a healthy relationship? Try to describe the key points of your relationship. What are they based on? Have you had a similar relationship with someone before? Most often, in such relationships, something benefits us, we take something from there. And it’s not always something about material things. For example, control on the part of a partner under the sauce of care. People who stay in relationships for this reason have a greater need for care and attention. Then it’s worth thinking - where did this need come from? How long has there been a big hole in this place? Or, for example, “nowhere to go.” It is also a common problem when one person becomes completely dependent on another. This is about the financial aspect. Children may be added later. And then this is the cycle of Hell. I want to leave - I have nowhere to go - I’ll stay, I’ll be patient. Only this is about a childish position, where it is unprofitable for a person to leave a relationship where there is financial security. Otherwise, you will have to face risks and responsibilities. Well, you won’t earn a financial cushion that quickly, it takes time. But most often the process of making money in such a situation does not occur. If anyone is familiar with this, think about why it doesn’t happen? Oh, there’s another example. Some people just need an emotional swing. Once it became ingrained in them that love should be mind-blowing, unpredictable, dangerous. And love = pain. And then the person in this case does not see the problem. More precisely, sooner or later he begins to experience discomfort, but does not understand how to get out of this system. After all, it was similar in films, books, and his parents. Which means this is the norm. It’s worth a little more patience, and suddenly it won’t be so uncomfortable. Try to find out the reason for being in this relationship. This will be the first step. I hug everyone in this difficult matter. 🤍
