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From the author: Today in schools, teachers work with first-graders using various proprietary methods and programs. Some programs develop the ability to defend their point of view and think logically, but more gifted children can master them; There are traditional education programs whose goal is to develop the skills of competent, error-free writing, counting skills, reading, and speech development. Studying now is not easy for a first-grader, so try to prepare your child for school in advance. Dear parents of future first-graders! It seems to me that this material will help you prepare your child for school. At 6-7 years old, a child should be able to: 1. ATTENTION - complete a task without distraction for about 15 minutes; find 5-6 differences between objects; keep 8-10 objects in the field of vision; perform the task quickly and independently, correctly according to the proposed model; copy exactly a pattern or movement. 2. MEMORY - remember 8-10 pictures; recite poems from memory, the contents of a picture, recite a literary work from memory, be able to repeat a text of 3-4 sentences. 3. THINKING - be able to determine the sequence of events, work with a cut picture - put together a picture consisting of 9-10 parts; be able to find and explain inconsistencies in drawings; find and explain the differences between objects and phenomena, be able to classify objects according to characteristics. 4. DEVELOPMENT OF FINE MOTOR SKILLS - fluently use a pencil and brush when drawing; hatch and color drawings without going beyond the contours, navigate in a notebook in a square or in a line. The most important thing here is to teach the child to SEE THE LINE and be able to print patterns, graphic elements, without “going beyond” the line either down the line or up the line; depict in a drawing not only one, but also several objects; be able to hatch drawings - shading should preferably be even and smooth; it is important to teach the child to choose a harmonious color scheme. The shading and color of the drawing have a very great influence on the formation of the child’s emotional-volitional sphere; be able to convey in a drawing the proportions of an object, its exact shape, the location of individual parts of the object. 5. DEVELOPMENT OF PERCEPTION - perceive the properties of objects - shape, color, size, location of the object in space, determine taste, smell, recognize an object by its individual properties and parts - be able to perceive and name the shape of an object (circle, square, rectangle, oval triangle); be able to assemble different objects from individual cut geometric shapes; accurately name the color of an object; hear a combination of sounds and reproduce it. 6. MATHEMATICS - name numbers in forward and reverse order, relate the number and the number of objects; compose and solve one-step problems involving addition and subtraction; use arithmetic symbols; measure the length of objects using a conventional measure; navigate on a sheet of paper; determine the time by the clock. 7. SPEECH DEVELOPMENT - pronounce sounds correctly, be able to determine the place of a sound in a word; use complex sentences in speech; compose stories based on a picture or a series of pictures (at least 6-7 sentences), compose sentences of 5-6 words, divide simple sentences into words, divide words into syllables. 8. AWARENESS WITH THE AROUND WORLD - state your name, surname, patronymic; the name and patronymic of your parents, the name of your hometown (village), capital, homeland; know the sequence of seasons, parts of the day, days of the week; name the spring, summer, autumn, winter months; distinguish predatory animals from herbivores, migratory birds from wintering birds, garden flowers from wildflowers, trees from shrubs; name all natural phenomena, the names of our planet and.
