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Men can often look at other women and wonder: “Why is this woman so beautiful, well-groomed, relaxed and happy, while mine looks and feels, well, clearly not so?” In fact, a lot here also depends on how the man himself treats a woman, how he generally perceives her? Only as a “housewife” and “mother of my children” or also as a beautiful and beloved woman? For example, men often treat the same mistress much better than their own wife and even if they do not leave the family, they still receive attention and pleasant emotions they give more to her than to their legal wife. They also wonder why his wife is always exhausted by everyday life, and his mistress is always so cheerful and beautiful? And why? Isn’t it possible to treat your wife as a mistress, that is, give her compliments, give her expensive gifts, take her to resorts on vacation, and then she will feel and look much better than any mistress, what’s stopping you from doing this? Just think about it. And if all your woman does is cook and clean, take care of children and all this without any outside help, then, of course, almost any woman who is not burdened with everyday life will look much more attractive against her background and more profitable. But it is you, men, who can also influence this and make sure that your beloved woman either blossoms even more or continues to fade. Do you treat a woman with dignity or are you just glad that she manages so much on her own and doesn’t even ask you to help her ? She just waits and hopes that you yourself will start helping, or by the evening she will simply be exhausted, so you shouldn’t hope for anything else. You have not “invested” in the woman with your care and help during the day, therefore, there are no “fruits” that you could “reap” in the evening. Therefore, instead of then “begging” your wife for sex in the evenings, and she will be too tired for this, don’t immediately run to look for a mistress who never gets tired and is always ready, but help your wife, then she will happily indulge in lovemaking with you and you won’t have to look for anyone anywhere. Everything is really quite simple. So there is no need to complicate things and “beg”, you just need to love and support. After all, any mistress can eventually turn into a “tormented wife” if she constantly carries everything on herself alone. Therefore, love, appreciate and receive the same in return. Take care of each other. Here you can place an order - my book “PRO love” You can find out more about all my courses here: my courses You can sign up for a consultation with me: here
