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When my girl got older, I was faced with the question of kindergarten. Nothing worked out with the municipal one, so I started looking for a private one. We found it quite quickly. And so my Masha went to the garden. At this time she was 3 years and 3 months old. She could already calmly stay with other people, played with children, showed interest in them and could get to know them. She understood her feelings quite well for her age and could share them. At times she could be timid, shy, and did not get along well with children. In general, I had something to be happy about and proud of my girl like a mother. And so we went to kindergarten. In the beginning, of course, it was not easy for everyone. There were tears and reluctance to attend kindergarten. But in general, the period was not difficult, largely thanks to the teacher, whom Masha loved very much. She went to kindergarten more willingly, rejoiced at new discoveries and gradually made new friends. This went on for about five months. And then the teachers in our kindergarten changed. The teacher, whom Masha really liked, left. And after a while the second one left. At this time, Masha was sick and did not go to kindergarten for three weeks. I still had to get used to new teachers, and after a long break. And this time it turned out to be more difficult to get used to for a number of reasons. Firstly, change itself already brings a lot of stress. We need to get acquainted with new teachers again and learn to get along with them. Before going to bed, Masha likes to talk about how the day went, discuss her experiences, and once she admitted that now it is very difficult for her to go to kindergarten, because she is afraid of becoming attached to new teachers – suddenly they too will leave. Of course, to recognize this fact of uncertainty and share your experiences in connection with this, a lot of courage is required from a child. Secondly, my grandmother died at the same time. Masha knew about this and we were going to take her to the funeral, but then She got sick. She saw her great-grandmother, although not often. And it was very difficult for her to imagine what it was like - there was a person and suddenly he was gone? What does she look like now? What will happen to her bones? And when will we die? Etc. We talked a lot about death before, but now, when Masha faced it in reality, questions came at her with renewed vigor and for the first time she said “I don’t want to die.” She began to understand that death happens to everyone, and she is no exception. And very touchingly he tries to integrate this discovery within himself. And, thirdly, the actual relationships in the kindergarten and the attitude towards the kindergarten itself. What is important here is how the parents themselves feel about the idea of ​​visiting the kindergarten, and what it means to them. For me there was no question of whether to go to the garden or not. Definitely walk. But I must admit that the way I treat my child and children in principle is very different from the attitude that exists in our culture. I am deeply convinced that every child is kind and good by nature and is already born with two basic abilities - • the ability to love (as the ability to love oneself and the ability to accept the love of others) and • the ability to learn (as the desire to learn new things and develop). And therefore, the idea that children need to be somehow specially corrected and made better is not very close to me - after all, everything is fine with him anyway. Essentially, all that is required of us as parents is the ability to trust the child more and more with each new age stage and learn to accept him unconditionally. Of course, it is important to take into account the psychological boundaries of both parties (both your own and the child’s). It sounds simple, but it is not easy to put into practice. In our culture, it is traditionally believed that the child himself, without the help of adults, will not be able to understand his needs. Adults know everything better - from when a child wants to eat, what exactly he wants to eat, what is good for him and what is not, and ending with what he should feel and do. Now you have to apologize, then give your toy to the younger one... At the same time, it does not take into account what the child experiences at such moments. IN.
