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Services of a psychologist The modern world puts so much pressure on us with different information in huge quantities that many people experience mental fatigue, emotional discomfort, and stress. In such conditions, the services of a psychologist are a necessity for every person. And it’s better when a person understands and realizes this himself. And trying to hide your phobias deep inside yourself with the help of alcohol, parties with friends, sports is not a solution to the problem. But just run away from her. This method will only increase your self-doubt. Although you will continue to hide it from others. In Russia and in many other countries where the environmental situation leaves much to be desired, the biorhythms of any person can go beyond the optimal regime. However, in order to correct the situation and improve your mental health, you just need to seek the services of a psychologist. By tradition, post-Soviet countries are considered a place where a positive attitude towards oneself and the people around you is at a special price. Seeking help from a psychotherapist is the easiest way to improve your relationships with the rest of the world. Do not forget that a psychologist is not an ordinary doctor to whom people rush as soon as they become ill. A consultation with a psychologist is a friendly conversation, with the help of which he will identify the range of problems tormenting you and clearly express ways to resolve them. The services of a psychologist are not wasted money and time, as most people are accustomed to believe. Alcohol and conversations with friends cannot provide what a consultation with a psychologist provides - awareness of the situation. Psychology is a rather specific science that explains how to find a way out of various situations and not experience negative emotional experiences. Career growth, obsessive thoughts that you yourself are unable to get rid of, increased aggression on your part towards others - all these and many other problems can be discussed using the services of a psychologist. Individual approach in treating patients It is on an individual approach to each specific person that my work is based. There are no unsolvable situations, you just need to change your attitude towards the problem. All people have their own fears and worries. For some they are superficial, for others they are more pronounced. One person may be afraid of something since childhood, while another may experience fears in adulthood. In any case, these fears can and must be overcome in order to live a normal life. However, there are cases when various kinds of fears unsettle a person so much that it can be called the so-called. phobic syndrome. The phenomenon of phobic syndrome (phobia) is widespread among people today. Such fears disorient a person in society. Phobias vary greatly in content and severity. Most often they occur in neuroses. However, these fears can also be found in other diseases as part of neurosis-like symptoms. The most common phobias Now here is a list of fears that people have most often: Aviation phobia - fear of flying on airplanes. It occurs very often. Acrophobia is a fear of heights, which is known to many of us. Mesophobia is a person’s fear of becoming infected with something. Cancerophobia is a fear of cancer. A special case of the above-mentioned mesophobia. Claustrophobia - people suffering from this phobia are afraid of closed spaces. Agoraphobia is when a person is afraid of crowds and open spaces. It is also worth mentioning childhood fears. Up to a certain age they are the norm. But if they continue to disturb the child and prevent him from adapting socially, then you need to use the services of a psychologist. Family psychologist A family psychologist will easily determine the origins of conflicts within the family and will help you gently resolve the situation. You should not doubt that psychology as a science is capable of finding ways to solve ordinary life problems. Created.
