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From the author: Did you know that in love and relationships the choice is always up to the woman. Can you choose? How long does it take you to make a decision? Do you know that in love and relationships, the choice is always the woman’s. Can you choose? How long does it take you to make a decision? We all want to be loved and cared for. And often it is this desire that determines our choice of partner. Very often a woman is not looking for a husband, but only love. She doesn't think about finding a lifelong partner. Many people really don't know how to choose the right husband. In addition, at the very beginning of dating, women do not particularly think about whether a man is suitable for a serious relationship. Women, as a rule, choose a nightgown for themselves much more carefully than a husband. Coco Chanel Responsibility for relationships and choice is always with the woman Very often I come across because women are outraged by the idea that they are the ones responsible for relationships. Many female representatives are not ready to change and do not want this. But they just want the man to suddenly realize how wrong he is. They dream of the day when he comes to them with declarations of love and the understanding that he was wrong. A woman really wants a man to take the initiative and make decisions in a relationship. A woman does not want to change because she feels that the man does not want to help her with this. Where can a woman get the desire to change if she sees her husband lying on the couch in the evenings, doing nothing, and earning less? A woman carries her home and family, gets more, and at the same time she still has to think about her femininity. Admire a man. Support him. Listen. Approve. Of course, remaining a real woman in this situation is very difficult or almost impossible. And you are absolutely right: not everything and does not always depend on the woman. The fact is that with a certain man, no matter how you behave, no matter what you do, everything will be useless. It is impossible to grow an orange on an apple tree. And the responsibility for relationships does not always lie on the shoulders of the woman. There are men who will never respond to your efforts. You must understand that relationships are a two-way street. And it is not necessary that the partners move along it at the same time. Your task is to follow your own lane, thus giving the man the opportunity to move in his own direction. The most important thing for you in a relationship with your partner is to do everything possible on your part. If you “don’t finish” something, then after that you will feel guilty and endlessly scroll through your mental gum. Very often you do not notice that you are dragging a man along with you and that your union rests only on you. You are afraid to let go of your grip because deep down you know that everything will fall apart. You cannot admit to yourself that if you stop building relationships, they will crumble like a house of cards. A man often takes a passive position not only in making money, but in all aspects of life. But before you face the truth, you need to give your best complete. It’s better to regret what you’ve done than what you haven’t done. You must understand that sometimes your partner is passive by nature, and sometimes you kill all desires in him. You cannot judge a man by the first year of dating. Women's wisdom is to see the essence and natural disposition of the partner under the beautiful veil of courtship. Sometimes a man who is currently insecure has the potential of a rich man and vice versa. How to take off your rose-colored glasses so as not to confuse your expectations and the real potential of a man? How can you not allow your strong desire to be close to a man to blind you to his obvious character traits that are unlikely to suit you later? Women's wisdom In relationships, men and women certainly fulfill their roles. The female role includes responsibility for the atmosphere in the family. And only the woman herself is responsible for her choice of a life partner. It is not the man who chooses the woman, but the woman who chooses the man. Only she is capable, thanks to her wisdom andintuition to feel the true essence of a partner. And not only does the woman have the final say when choosing a husband, but also whether to continue the relationship or not. The choice regarding a man is always a woman's. She chooses whether to be near a man or not. But many forget about this and, instead of choosing, they enter into a fight with a man and begin to educate and remake him, depriving themselves of choice at all. Wisdom implies a certain psychological maturity and autonomy. And intuition should be free from fears and strong desires. In real life, everything happens differently. A woman, wanting love, agrees to a man's advances. And it turns out that he chooses a woman. And if a man is persistent, then the woman will be with him sooner or later, without options. That is, she no longer chooses a man. A woman strives for love, and in principle, any man who shows her signs of attention has every chance of becoming her beloved. If you strive for a serious relationship, then you must understand that courtship and a beautiful romance mean nothing common with the true behavior of your future husband. A man for a husband’s family life should be chosen not by beauty, romance, money or position in society, but by focusing on other qualities - character and inner potential. If he is young, it does not matter that he has no money now. The main thing is to see its hidden capabilities. If there is potential, then a woman can help develop it. An intelligent and wise woman senses male potential. It is very important to pay attention to the main manifestations of a man. For example, how does he treat women in general? If in a cafe he allows himself to speak rudely to the waitress or speak unflatteringly about another woman, then keep in mind that he has no respect for the female sex. This means that soon you will be faced with a similar attitude. The way a man behaves with you during dates says nothing about his qualities and deep attitudes. Try to shift the emphasis from how he treats you to more significant issues: his character, attitude towards his mother, other women, past. Find out why he broke up with his old girlfriend, and pay attention to how he speaks about her. One to two years is the period during which the essence of a person fully manifests itself. It is advisable to date a man for more than a year before getting married. Of course, Each couple has their own path and there cannot be common recipes for all. However, it is in matters of marriage that a woman usually rushes forward, wanting to connect her life with a man as quickly as possible. And, unfortunately, it all too often happens that as soon as one of the gentlemen shows at least some attention and tenderness, he immediately falls, from a woman’s point of view, into the category of a potential husband. It is a serious mistake to see your dream in every man. A woman too quickly begins to make plans and draw a common future together. Therefore, it is so important for a woman to engage in her spiritual and personal development, then she will be freed from her dependence and attachment to a man. It is necessary for her inner child to grow up, and then she will give up the obsessive desire to be loved and needed. Since it is the woman who must choose a partner, then she is responsible for the relationship with him. And if she agrees to the advances of any man who shows attention to her, then It is unlikely that she will be able to build good relationships in the future, no matter what efforts she makes. And she seems to be trying to be a real woman and do everything as expected, but nothing works out. If a woman initially connected her life with an unsuitable man, then later, at least she will change, even if not, this will not in any way affect the atmosphere of the marriage. How to choose the right husband? Do men and women think alike or not? What should unite people in marriage? A happy marriage is a long conversation that always seems too short. (Andre Maurois) Chakra compatibility Knowledge about chakras - human energy centers - was known back in Ancient India. Nowadays, this information has begun to be usedrepresentatives of European and Western culture. According to Indian teachings, seven chakras are projected on the human body, with each energy center responsible for certain areas of human life, as well as for the state of certain internal organs. We will look at several chakras that mainly influence the sphere of relationships between men and women. The lower, second, chakra is located in the uterus (four fingers folded together below the navel). This chakra is responsible for bodily sensations and sexual desire. How pleasant do you feel about your man’s touch? How strong is your sexual desire? In the first year of marriage, a woman usually experiences strong sexual desire, but over time it subsides, and it begins to seem that the love is gone. There is no need to rush to conclusions! It is quite possible that the energy of your relationship has risen higher, and other needs have come to the fore (“I love my husband, but I don’t want sex with him.”). This chakra is patronized by Venus - the goddess of love, responsible for pleasure and romanticism in relationships. Every person strives for pleasure and comfort, but we all have our own idea of ​​pleasure. For some, this means time spent in a tent by the river, while others need a comfortable hotel on the seashore. Some people like to lie down with a book in front of the TV, while others need active rest. Some prefer to live in a city high-rise on the top floor, while others dream of a quiet, cozy house away from people. The same differences are observed in food preferences. It is not at all necessary that you and your husband will like the same things, but over time, differences more and more will divide you rather than unite you. The woman may end up resenting the man for not spending enough time with her. Resentment will lead to emotional closure from your partner. The man, in turn, will feel unnecessary. The third chakra is located at the level of the solar plexus and is associated with the planet Sun. She is responsible for the manifestation of social connections, responsibility, discipline, order and organization. These are common interests - sports, hiking. Spouses may have different levels of responsibility. For one partner, being two hours late is normal, but the other is not even five minutes late. If this other person can accept such unpunctuality and feels comfortable in such situations, then there will be no problems. If he tries to change the husband/wife to his standards, then they are unlikely to find happiness and peace next to each other. It often happens that it is at the level of this chakra that very different people can come together. And then someone in the couple is very responsible and disciplined, and someone plays the role of a small child. If a woman plays this role, then such a union is possible. And if a man behaves like an irresponsible child, his wife will eventually stop respecting him (“I love, but I don’t respect my husband.”). The woman will turn into a functionally controlling mother for her partner. Although, if she is happy with everything and she is happy, then why not. The fourth chakra is the heart chakra. It is this chakra that is responsible for deep, close, trusting relationships. All people have different degrees of openness to the world and relationships. Some people are trusting and open by nature, while others are closed. It is very difficult to build harmonious relationships with each other if one of the partners is not able to trust and be sincere. Such an attitude will offend and hurt someone else. As a rule, in a relationship the man is emotionally cold. This is the case when an opportunity opens up for a woman to learn her lesson, grow up and rewrite her negative internal script. In this atmosphere of emotional coldness and the inability to receive love, painful childhood feelings emerge. A woman’s task is to survive the pain and accept everything that comes into her life. Acceptance does not mean dooming yourself to lifelong suffering. Acceptance is giving up the hope that a man will become different. Accepting is giving up your attempts to change another and
