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From the author: How to master the Power of Communication? How to use sharing to achieve your Dream? Society is created by communication A person is never completely alone. As E.M. said Remarque – real loneliness comes before madness or suicide. I think he's right. Being “social animals”, we are constantly in a certain social context. Even those who are isolated, expelled from society, even those who have become outcasts, and those who are buried behind the fence of church cemeteries - and they have their own social context. Some are at the center of social life, some are on the periphery, and some are antisocial elements, but we all lead a social life in one way or another. And that means we communicate. Even when a person writes on the table or creates blog entries “just for himself” - these are also forms of social interaction. Tolstoy, as a great writer, grew out of keeping a personal diary, intended only for himself. It is interesting that in both the Russian and English languages, society (social) and communication (socialize) are the same root words. Because without communication there is no society and without society there is no communication. Cooperation requires mutual understanding. It is the possibility of interaction and cooperation that has created our social life. Any cooperation requires a language of mutual understanding. No dream comes true alone. Someone's help and support is always needed. Mutual actions of people implement mega-projects: from the construction of the Egyptian pyramids to flights to the Moon and beyond. That is why communication has enormous power, because it creates mutual understanding and organizes people. Difficulties in translation To attract people, you need to speak a language they understand. Moreover, we are not talking about the language of the nation, for example, Russian, English, Albanian, Surzhik, but about the language of the reference group, community: Albanian, Fen, professional slang, etc. Because the more precise your language is, the more concepts it contains that are specific to a given group, the closer the other person’s understanding is to what you want to express. I will say more: in order to motivate another person to complete a difficult task, you need to find words that will be adequate to his internal language. Or, speaking here for the referent audience - his discourse and narrative. Nicely written? Does anyone get it? The power of sharing In social networks, i.e. in networks for communication - there are two key buttons: like and expand (share). Because emotional support, even expressed using a button, and the ability to convey one’s emotions to other people meet basic human needs, the need for communication. The power of sharing is well expressed in the Russian proverb that “shared joy is double joy, shared grief is half grief.” This is why large corporations flood social networks, want to make friends with millions of users - because they dream of selling their goods and compensating for possible losses with the help of the power of sharing. I’ll tell you an important secret: not a single dream can be realized without sharing. Without sharing it and inspiring other people to support you: often emotional, less often material. All serial dreamers are good at sharing skills. They know how to infect other people with their emotions, their dreams, and inspire them to support them. Moreover, if you cannot motivate other people to support you, you cannot motivate yourself. Because we are analog creatures, we do not have a separate digital programming code for each of us. That is why we are able to understand each other - through empathy, compassion, compassion. No empathy - no communication - no sharing - no dreams. To be contagious = to be expressiveTo be able to infect other people with your emotions, you need to be expressive, i.e. be able to express your thoughts, and do it figuratively, using metaphors and other techniques of oratory. It’s difficult to be expressive and, first of all, here’s why: we formulate and convey our thoughts with the help ofthe left hemisphere of the brain, and images and metaphors live in the right hemisphere. And to use the potential of your entire brain, you need to have a special skill that is not taught anywhere. Because our entire classical education system is built on training verbal-logical functions while ignoring the potential of intuitive-imaginative (right-hemisphere) thinking. It is very difficult to be expressive without special communication training, without developing the skills of reflection, empathy and active listening. But if you have mastered these skills - then expressing your thoughts and emotions beautifully, clearly and convincingly - it costs you nothing. Trust me as someone who has done a lot of communication competency training. Emotional Intelligence The ability to use communication with the emotional contagion of others to achieve your goals is called emotional intelligence. Scientists came up with this term when they discovered that there are many people who are successful and efficient in living their lives, without showing high intellectual abilities in classical IQ tests. It turned out that in such people ordinary (logical) intelligence is, as it were, replaced by the ability for empathic (understanding and sympathetic) communication and the ability to be attractive, i.e. attractive to other people. Which people do we like the most? That's right: those who sympathize with us and who understand us well. And also ready to help. And the best help in this world is a correct understanding of our emotions and a willingness to share them. That is, sharing. Thus, emotional intelligence really has great power, because communication, emotional communications constitute the fabric of our social (read sociable) life. That is why, after the like and share buttons, numerous emoticons were invented that express a huge number of human emotions, so large that the author finds it difficult to describe some of them in words. Television works to develop visual thinking, and social networks develop emotional intelligence. Therefore, before our eyes, the role of the “best friend” is becoming a thing of the past. Why one “best friend” with whom you need to maintain regular off-line relationships - when there is a page on social networks where dozens, or even hundreds of “best friends” are waiting for you!? Communication deprivation The worst punishment for a modern person is not even ending up in prison, in overcrowded cells. The most terrible torture for modern man is communicative deprivation, deprivation of communication, exclusion from social interaction. This is a torture that few people can withstand. How many days can you live without social networks, without the Internet? How many days can you live without saying a single word? Have you ever practiced complete inaction: when you do absolutely nothing for days on end (you can take a little food). How long can you hold out in this state? It’s not easy at all, it’s very difficult to withstand. Because on the very first day - after several hours of sitting in such inactivity, you begin to experience a powerful hallucinosis: your internal TV turns on and such scenes from your life, such prominent, colorful and voluminous unprocessed relationships and old traumas pass before your mind's eye that you are ready to run away from this practice in shame on the first day. But if you endure at least three days, you clear your inner field of self-awareness for many years to come. The main rule is not to identify with those entities that you see so clearly in front of you, and then they leave your psyche (until new ones take their place). Who communicates? When you master the basics of effective communication, then the main one stands before you, the essential question: who communicates and with whom? Because in order to be understandable, you need, as mentioned above, to speak the language of the audience (even if it consists of one person). But if you communicate in the language of the audience, this means that you have learned this.
