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When we find ourselves in a crisis situation, we usually ask ourselves: why? How to change? How to get out of it? This is the position of the victim, whose passive role and desire to simply get rid of the irritant. An active position will be much more effective, the position of one who learns through questions: why do I need this life challenge? What lesson does he teach me? Why did I get into this situation? The next step will be to draw up a plan for the development of higher qualities, from the right column in step 4. And the progressive implementation of this plan. Go back to your list from step 4, look again at false and true values ​​and beliefs. Remember the support of the loving force, that it only carries some lesson for you, and contains some benefit. Mentally give up your false qualities - irritability, resentment, greed, inattention, etc. according to your list. Let the mental energy of these qualities leave you. You can directly say: “I refuse irritation, I refuse...” In the same way, mentally accept the desired qualities, the best. You can again say: “I accept restraint, …” Allow the energy of these qualities to enter, accept them and let them unfold. This process is accompanied by a certain expansion inside, in the area of ​​the solar plexus, a certain upward rise of energy, a feeling of joy and inspiration. From this state, think about what five steps you can take to establish these qualities in yourself. Having tried on new qualities, try to travel back to the beginning of this crisis episode and see what you can do now, mentally play out your role model, creating a new model of behavior. Remember all five steps to get out of a crisis situation, let this become a “lifesaver.” In the end, I will remind you how any crisis or conflict situation affects us. At the first stage, the integrity of the emotional shell is violated. This is expressed in the fact that our mood deteriorates. If we are spiritually wise and mature, 30-60 minutes will be enough for us to patch up this shell. If we cannot cope with our mood, the energy shell is destroyed. The bad mood phase lasts for several days and may be accompanied by physical illness and depression. We, being in complete ignorance, patch up the energetic shell through quasi-mental values ​​- entertainment, shopping, chatting over a wine glass, etc. This state indicates that we do not understand ourselves, that we still have false values ​​and beliefs that come into conflict with reason. Anxiety is the feeling that signals us about this. Next, the intellectual shell is damaged. We develop negative thought forms, mental chewing gum creates an evaluative form of interaction with the world and others, as a result of which our mental programs are restructured and we change higher-order values ​​to lower ones. When we skip the previous stages, the somatic membrane is disrupted and we begin to get sick. Take care of yourself, feel good, take care of yourself!
