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From the author: Dear women, I wish you happiness, love and awareness in the manifestation of your archetypes! The Aphrodite archetype is the female archetype of the Goddess of love, beauty, creative woman and lover. When a woman is in love, the Aphrodite archetype manifests itself in her and it gives the woman the ability to enjoy love, beauty, sexuality and sensuality. If the Aphrodite archetype in a woman is the main one, then she often and easily falls in love and at the same time has sexual magnetism. The Aphrodite woman lives in the moment, she reacts and perceives, rather than reflects. Aphrodite has the instinct of procreation and gives birth to a child in love, experiencing passion for a man. Aphrodites love children, raise them in warmth and comfort, and help them develop. The Aphrodite archetype gives a woman a passionate desire for creativity, as well as romantic traits. Her areas of activity are art, dancing, writing, pedagogy, and healing activities. Most often, Aphrodites are drawn to men who are not entirely suitable for them. If the archetype is strongly expressed, then their choice falls on creative, complex, emotional men who strive for professional heights, but do not want to be fathers and husbands. On the part of women, the attitude towards Aphrodite is most often jealous and envious. What you need to develop in yourself and what Aphrodite needs to learn: 1. In confusing and difficult situations, do not react spontaneously, but wait until clarity comes.2. Learn to say “No” Artemis (Selena, Diana) is the archetype of a strong-willed woman who is purposeful, always knows what she wants and, as a rule, gets her way (even if she has to fight). Artemis is characterized by independence from anyone’s opinion. Often chooses a male profession and achieves high results in it. The main thing for Artemis is a feeling of complete freedom. She does not like boundaries, loves to travel a lot, play sports, realize her innate sense of competition, argue, defend her opinion. She can follow her principles even to the detriment of her own feelings. They clearly know what they want from life and rely only on themselves. Artemis is always ready to help her ally defend her interests. However, Artemis is as lonely as she is free. She does not know how to maintain close relationships, although relationships with other women are important to her. Artemis lacks emotions and sincere feelings. She lives for a purpose and it is difficult for her to be happy about something just like that. In relation to men, Artemis does not allow excessive “weakness”, femininity or games of love. Often avoids marriage. The man is perceived as a friend and ally. She likes it when they have common interests and views on life and the same goals. She is interested in multi-talented men. But a relationship can also develop with an older man, who will teach not only how to conduct business, but will also develop her emotional sphere and help her use her feelings. What Artemis needs to develop in herself and what Artemis needs to learn: - Develop the Aphrodite archetype in herself in order to gain femininity, sensuality and the desire to be a loving wife and a good mother. Athena (Minerva) is an archetype that gives a woman intelligence, strategic thinking and practicality. Athena is a practical, active woman, internally holistic, not succumbing to emotions. She knows her worth and does not repeat the same mistakes. The Athena woman, having various interests, strives to be the best or at least equal. She loves precision and clarity and for this purpose she often analyzes her life and tries to be more effective. She shows emotions sparingly and from the outside seems indifferent (but inside everything can be boiling). The Athena woman, as a rule, does not have girlfriends, since she is far from the problems of women of traditional upbringing. Athena does not dream, but achieves it; she highly values ​​intelligence and common sense, which often surprises other women. She is a strong personality who achieves her goals despite any obstacles. And she values ​​the same men -strong, resourceful and power-hungry. Athena is endowed with subtle intuition and this gives her the strength of a winner. She is not interested in men who are dreamers. She chooses the successful one and deftly directs him in the direction she needs. What a woman needs to develop in herself and what she needs to learn - Athena: 1. Also develop in yourself the archetype of Aphrodite-lover and muse2. Sometimes include Persephone the daughter (especially when negotiating with men)3. Develop the archetype of Demeter - a loving mother and caring wife. After all, a man is unlikely to like it if they constantly compete with him. The Demeter archetype will allow a man to relax. Gesta (Hestia, Vesta) is the most complete woman, whose inner world is so developed that it replaces her need to express herself in her career. She is filled with herself, emotionally closed from the everyday world. She has empathy and feels people well, understands and is aware of their motives. However, she does not need this, since she is truly comfortable alone or in a narrow circle of acquaintances. She feeds herself with impressions; she is not interested in outside feeding. Her few friends, like Gesta, do not have the need for frequent communication. Usually such an introverted woman attracts an extroverted man, who takes the initiative into his own hands. For Gesta, home and comfort are important. The Gesta woman is a classic housewife. She likes to create comfort, and when alone she can immerse herself in her own world order. She does not interfere in a man’s affairs, just as she has no need for his participation in her household chores. Often a Gesta woman devotes herself to religion. But for a full life in society, Geste needs to develop social skills and the qualities of an extrovert. What a woman needs to develop in herself and what a woman needs to learn - Geste: 1. Do not focus on the inner world, but get to know the surrounding world as well.2. Use your empathy to benefit people. After all, it was given to her for a reason. For example, you can choose the profession of a doctor or psychologist.3. Develop other talents and abilities, for example, drawing. Hera is the Goddess of marriage, symbolizing the guardian of the home and the wife. Hera-Goddess in her life experienced respect and insult, honor and humiliation. The Hera archetype brings a woman both a feeling of great joy and happiness, and moments of pain. The main desire of a woman of the Hera archetype, first of all, is to be a wife. Having not found a use for herself as a spouse, she feels emptiness in life. Moreover, what is important for her is legal marriage, which gives her prestige, respect, reputation, recognition of a married woman... The Hera archetype gives a woman the ability to create a connection, to be devoted and faithful, to endure, to support her partner in difficult times. Married “in health and sickness, in wealth and in poverty” - this is about a woman with the Hera archetype. Without a pronounced Hera archetype, something in a woman’s life misfires and she can get married several times. If we analyze the life of the goddess Hera, we see that she did not take revenge on Zeus because of his public infidelities, but fiercely took revenge on his mistresses and their children. The Hera archetype forces a woman to transfer the guilt of her spouse, on whom she is emotionally dependent, onto other people. She is scary and grumpy in anger and rage. The Hera woman makes her husband the center of her life and enjoys it. Work is something secondary, and not part of herself. A woman with a pronounced Hera archetype usually does not have girlfriends, but prefers to spend time with her husband and children, loves to do her husband’s business. If Hera is unmarried, then she temporarily teams up with similar women for the purpose of searching for a companion, can go with friends to a bar or a disco. But as soon as she meets her man and, especially, gets married, she immediately ends her relationship with her single friends. Now she perceives unmarried women as a threat to her marriage or as “a different kind of woman” than she is. Now Hera prefers to be friends with married women. If a man does not give marriage the same importance as she does, it hurts her greatly. Hera cantolerate even a bad attitude in marriage and not go for divorce, because marriage is the basis of her life. For her, divorce is a tragedy. What you need to develop in yourself and what Hera needs to learn: 1. Do not limit yourself to the role of a wife, as this deprives her of the ability to adapt and develop herself, and after a divorce or death of her husband, she finds herself in a very difficult situation.2. Don’t get hung up on your husband, but develop aspects of yourself that will enrich her and her marriage. Translate the energy of jealousy and rage into creative work. Demeter – Goddess of fertility, is the archetype of motherhood, nurturer and mother. She loves to educate and patronize. Demeter has a strong bond with her daughter Persephone. The role of mother for Demeter is self-realization. The mother archetype encourages the Demeter woman to nurture and nourish others, to be generous and generous, to find satisfaction as the breadwinner of the family, taking care of the family and home. This can also manifest itself in a profession where it is necessary to provide assistance, where it can be a nurturing and nurturing side: teacher, lawyer, psychologist. Another trait of Demeter is feeding others. She serves abundant food to family and guests. Demeters provide: real food and care, psychological and moral support, spiritual food. When the Demeter archetype has significant power, and a woman cannot realize it, she can become depressed. Demeter does not acknowledge or approve of her growing children becoming less dependent on her. Demeter attracts men who feel attracted to motherly women. The real Demeter does not make the choice herself. She responds to a man's need and can even be with him because she sympathizes with him. Demeter does not have high expectations from men; she perceives them as “big boys.” For them, sex is for procreation, and not for pleasure. What you need to develop in yourself and what Demeter needs to learn: 1. Become a good mother for yourself2. Takes care of herself and does for herself what she willingly does for others.3. Learn to let go of older children and not interfere in their lives. Persephone is a girl-ruler of the underworld, a receptive woman and a mother's daughter. The Persephone archetype gives a woman the predisposition not to act, but to be influenced and influenced by others, to be pliable in actions and passive in relationships. The Persephone woman seems forever young. Persephone's sexuality is not awakened. She loves it when men pay attention to her, but she lacks passion. For Persephone, it is important to please her mother, to be a “good girl,” obedient, pliable, and careful. However, this prevents her from gaining her own experience. Persephone's sensitivity needs to be developed by women with the Athena and Artemis archetypes. Due to her openness and subtlety of perception, Persephone is prone to frequent job changes rather than improving professionalism and career growth. Works best in routine work that does not require initiative or management skills. Work never comes first for Persephone, but the situation changes when she grows into the Lady of the Underworld and embarks on a creative, psychological or spiritual path. Working as a healer, psychotherapist, artist, or poet, she usually creates something deeply personal. With men, Persephone is a shy and naive child. Young and inexperienced men, like herself, are drawn to Persephone; tough men who are attracted to her innocence and fragility; men who are uncomfortable with older women. Marriage, as it were, “happens” to Persephone. They persuade her - she gives in involuntarily. In this case, the husband is subconsciously perceived as a rapist. For a harmonious relationship with your husband, it is necessary to awaken the archetypes of Hera, Demeter or Aphrodite. Persephone loves children, but will not be able to become a true mother until the Demeter archetype awakens in her. What you need to develop in yourself and what Persephone needs to learn: 1. Transform from a girl into a mature woman and get married consciously, on your own.
