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“If you do the same thing as everyone else, you will get the same results.” Surely, you have heard this phrase more than once. So, maybe it has come Is it time to do something else and stop doing the same thing as everyone else? Which, at a minimum, will give you a good chance to get results above average, and at a maximum, will allow you to get rich and become a millionaire. How do you like this prospect? - if it makes you happy, then I recommend reading this article to the end. So, meet Five effective ways to become a millionaire: 1) Find the job (business) of your dreams If you are truly “in love” with your business/profession, then your daily work ceases to be just “work” and becomes a pleasure for which it is not you who pay, but you! Which is valuable in itself. The world around us is full of people who have made huge money from their hobby (as an option: by organizing their own Dance or Boxing School, opening their own chess or culinary club, starting a Youtube blog or Zen channel). 2) Wave conqueror The essence of this method is to ride the emerging wave of a new fast-growing niche (that is, become a pioneer and skim off all the cream). Firstly, you can come up with and disperse “your” wave. A clear example of this: Uber, Tesla electric cars, Airbnb, etc. innovative companies and disruptive business models. Secondly, it may be an already existing “old” wave in which you will become “like a duck to water.” Yes, there will obviously be no super-income here, but the risks of going broke (as in the case of a start-up) are minimal. For example, buy a coffee shop franchise and put your whole soul into it. Important: Look for those waves that you are really interested in (like). By the way, my Zen channel brings me 3-4 thousand rubles every day. 3) Invest 10 years of your life in something Whatever it is, just devote 10 years to it in depth. “Thinking in decades” is an incredibly powerful strategy. On the one hand, it removes unrealistic expectations (ala the dream of getting rich instantly), on the other hand, it instills in you peace of mind and confidence in the correctness of the chosen path. Example: Athletes, after 10 years of hard training, grow to the level of Olympic champions. Since they succeeded, you can do it too - in any field of activity. 4) Marry a rich man This is perhaps the easiest way to get rich quickly. But there is one problem: 90% of dollar millionaires are already employed (married) and there are not so many of them (about 200 thousand in Russia and about 13 million all over the world, and I’m generally tense with billionaires - there are only a little more than 2 thousand). 5) Investments To do this, invest 10-20% with discipline, year after year. every salary received. Regularly purchasing currency, index funds and other assets. This will allow you to gradually form an impressive financial capital and start living entirely on the income from it. ADDITIONALLY: Read my other article “Where NOT to invest money? TOP 3 most dangerous places for your money.” I WILL BE THANKFUL FOR YOUR LIKES AND REPOSTS OF THIS ARTICLE Author of the article - Alexander Evstegneev, personal finance expert, author of 20 books on financial literacy, investor with 25 years of experience
