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Crises happen. With everyone. This is a fact and it is inevitable. These could be crises in relationships, age-related, financial, relocation, change of place of residence, job loss, birth of a child, divorce, etc. Crises are, to put it mildly, unpleasant and few people can enjoy it. But, nevertheless, this is a unique opportunity to reveal your potential and determine your true values! In a crisis, all the unimportant husks fall off, only the most necessary remains. I propose to look at the crisis from this side. 1. Only in a crisis can we reveal, develop and increase our strength, courage, endurance, and resilience. And even to reveal creativity. 2. The crisis teaches us to appreciate those things that, in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we take for granted. For example, relationships, loved ones, simple pleasures, meetings, delicious food, etc. A crisis shakes us up and gives us a different feeling and understanding of life and its constituent events. We begin to appreciate what we have and stop chasing ephemeral pie in the sky.3. And if we live through a crisis more or less consciously and with the acceptance of the fact of its inevitability, then at the moment of crisis we begin to ask important questions that usually do not arise in everyday life. For example: “Where is MY safe, cozy place in the universe?” "Can I trust myself?" "Can I trust the Universe (the world)?" “How can I build the right relationship with the World?” And not those from the position of a victim: “Why do I need this? When will this all end? Why is the world not fair to me?” Questions from the victim's position are dead-end.4. During a crisis, it is important to remember that the Universe is for us, because we are part of it and we are one organism with it. If we repeat this thought like a mantra constantly, then we gradually begin to feel it. The Universe "wants" us to be happy and successful. And she gives us the tools to do this. Whether we will be able to use them and whether we will even notice these tools is a question for us. And this is a matter of our attention to ourselves. The more attentive we are to ourselves and our needs, the more likely we are to notice the tools for building our happiness. And if before the crisis we were not attentive enough to ourselves, then the crisis forces us to do this. A crisis generally forces us to turn around and ask ourselves honest questions. Having answered which we will identify for ourselves the ways out.5. During a crisis, it is important to do the inner work of building and maintaining resilience, developing self-love, discovering courage and strength, and of course, asking honest questions of yourself. The Universe will take upon itself all the external work to get out of the crisis: it will “bring together” the right people, “remove” the unnecessary ones, “build” the necessary events and favorable combinations of circumstances, etc. Here you can relax about external events. And that’s the only way it works: when we take responsibility for the inner work, the Universe takes over all the outer work. This is how a kind of partnership with the Universe is formed. And in this partnership with the World, we come to our happiness by successfully overcoming crises. And, in fact, the key to any success is partnership and responsibility for our part of the work. Internal work to overcome a crisis can be done with a psychologist, with a spiritual teacher, or on your own . It all depends on the level of your “preparation” and the depth of the crisis. Some crises are difficult to overcome on your own; do not hesitate to seek help from specialists. This is fine.
