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I will continue to analyze the data provided by Yandex on the dynamics of user requests in the period before and during the crisis. In order to assess how the crisis affected people’s psychology, I asked for a sample of non-standard keywords, namely existential adverbs. Being in isolation, people ask questions to yourself, but in modern conditions reflection is formed by a loop of request through the network. That is, those rhetorical questions that, even in the presence of an interlocutor, a person addresses to his own personality are typed into a search engine. They do not require a direct answer, but are meaningful for making oneself and making decisions. Below I publish three graphs for the queries “on purpose”, “inevitable”, “unknown”, from which the increase in searches with their use in quarantine is clearly visible. That is, people make requests with fatalism and hopelessness in mind: At the same time, I would like to point out that the first graph had the only traditional decline during the New Year holidays, when people did not think about the influence of external forces on their fate, but, on the contrary, “planned” their future . However, the feeling of the “invisible hand” has gradually increased over the past year and reached its peak during the pandemic and quarantine. Apparently, the growing feeling that someone “from above” controls their destiny will continue to intensify in society for some time. Requests for inevitability and the unknown have also increased, which indicates a shift in the locus of control of an individual’s behavior to the outside. In another pool, I looked at requests , associated with the search for an “alter ego”, with an interest in finding a second person, a partner. Without assessing the reasons - whether it will be neurotic dependence or cooperation of equals - the results show disappointment in the undertaking. The feeling of loneliness has jumped sharply since the beginning of April, along with interest in the couple. That is, there is a correlation between these existential entities - people searching or living in couples feel lonely during quarantine. Their partner does not give them confidence in themselves or in the future. This conclusion is confirmed by the graph for the “together” category - it generally began to fall on the eve of the crisis and people are increasingly losing hope for joint activities during quarantine in relative terms. But in absolute terms, the demand is growing and this means people have not lost their desire for society during the pandemic.
