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Every day, many parents are faced with the problem of new psychoactive substances appearing in our lives. Cheap and accessible. Even for children. In general, there is a very loyal attitude towards alcohol in society. We hear such names of substances as snus, spice, nasvay. The state manages to ban some of these substances, some not. The merchants of death are circumventing the laws and continue to kill our children. They don't care about their parents' grief. Their profits are growing. And they will stop at nothing for this profit. Drugs penetrate everywhere: into schools and lyceums, into families and friendly groups. Neither prosperous families nor people with prestigious jobs and high social status are immune from their appearance. Only the person himself can resist the appearance of a drug in his life. Only an attentive and caring parent can protect their child from this threat. To do this, you need to know some of the primary signs of a child using a psychoactive substance. Know and pay attention to the following: - cases of money and valuables disappearing from the house; - detection of strange “finds” at home: small packages with a substance, boxes and jars with unidentified contents in the form of small lozenges or pieces of paper with a sharp specific odor; - detection at home with small plastic tubes, pieces of foil, syringes and needles; - the child becomes irritable, even aggressive. His mood changes sharply - he suddenly begins to laugh, then becomes despondent; - the child’s eating preferences change, his sleep and rest patterns change; - the child often experiences drowsiness, lethargy, apathy, or, on the contrary, is too active, restless, fussy; - the child began to lie a lot; - new “friends” appear in the house, who were not there before, who behave strangely and who, as a rule, are older than your child; - the child often leaves home, hiding the true goals of his leaving home, not answers your calls, comes late and immediately tries to retire (locks himself in the bathroom, in his room, does not make contact); - the child has incoherent speech, reddened whites of the eyes, dilated or sharply constricted pupils, unnaturally bright lips, dull skin , wet palms; - the child misses or completely drops out of school or another educational institution. Probably, among the parents who are now reading this article, there will be those who have already noted the coincidence or similarity of their child’s behavior with what is being discussed here. If this is the case, you need to urgently seek help. The first thing that needs to be done is to establish the fact of use of psychoactive substances (PAS) by laboratory means, i.e. do a urine and blood test for the presence of surfactants. If the test is positive, you need to talk to your child about it. You need to be prepared for the fact that even in the face of obvious arguments and evidence, your child will, as they say, “stand to the death,” defending himself and his addiction, denying obvious things. This is how this disease works. Very rarely, the addicted person himself understands that he needs help and seeks it. As a rule, caring relatives bring him to a specialist. There is no “Magic Pill” for addiction. But there are methods of psychotherapeutic influence that save the life of an addicted person. Save your loved ones. Until it's not too late.
