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“How can love be excessive? The more love, the better.” However, excessive maternal love stifles the child, does not allow his abilities to develop, and prevents him from building a career and achieving financial success. Is there such a thing as excessive paternal love? Happens. And it would be more correct to call the post “excessive parental love,” but it is precisely the couple of an adult single mother and an adult single son who live together that is more common. Excessive love of a mother destroys a child, literally cripples his psyche, health and life. And for a woman this leads to the fact that she gets stuck in the role of mommy and loses her femininity. “My husband is another child of mine.” “My son doesn’t want to work. How old is he? 40.”A woman who says these words looks at men from a “top” position; she feels herself above the man all the time. And the man, accordingly, finds himself in a position of weakness, lack of initiative, and irresponsibility. The whole horror is that excessive motherhood manifests itself in all areas of life. A woman proves herself to be a mother not only in her relationship with her child, but also in her relationship with her own parents, at work, in business, and with her husband. Teaching, lecturing, putting pressure and forcing him to do everything she needs, sacrificing himself, paying off his debts - this is a small list of manifestations of excessive maternal love. A child does not want to study An adult does not want to work A teenager has fallen into bad company A young man cannot find his purpose Alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction A person cannot start a family There are no children in the family The birth of a sick child All this is just a small list of the consequences of excessive maternal love. I remember when I was just starting psychological practice, one woman came to me. She lost her son. The woman looked great: light makeup, hairstyle, beautiful clothes. By appearance, I determined that she was about 70 years old. Her son lived with her all the time, he tried to start his own family, bringing a woman to his mother’s apartment, but this woman very quickly ran away from him (they wanted to write). There were no children in that family. After the divorce, her son began to drink, gamble for money and died at the age of 45. “I went everywhere with him, to the theater and to the store. Every evening I discussed with him my problems for the day. I’m lonely.” “What did your husband do?” I asked this woman. Of course, she had been divorced for a long time and did not begin to build a new relationship with a man. And her son became her emotional husband, that is, she directed all her own emotions that she had for the man to her son, crippling his life. How is excess love treated? Love. Love for yourself, love for a man. When a woman is in love, she does not have excessive love for children. She directs her feelings to the man, and gives her children care and attention. Balance in relationships with yourself, with a man, with children is the secret to a happy life.
