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From the author: To developers of new cancer treatment methods and healers Philosophical and esoteric parting words on the topic of oncology or / / / Patch 11:11 to all “games” with the name “Cancer Treatment” Chapter from the book “ Cancer is not a death sentence, but the most serious reason to change." Publishing house of Alexey Varaksin, 2007 ISBN: 978-985-6822-61-5 In this section, dear friends, I would like to give some advice and parting words to all theorists and practitioners, both conventional and alternative oncology, as well as the creators of new theories of carcinogenesis and developers of the latest technologies and methods of treating oncological diseases. Dear colleagues, yes, yes, exactly colleagues, I was not mistaken. I call you colleagues, my dears, for the reason that I myself time (just like you) I tried my hand at understanding this not so simple task and problem, being, in my sincere conviction, at the peak of my intellectual development (what holy naivety...). How could it be otherwise, because for me then it was, indeed, a worthy challenge - a challenge to one of the most difficult to understand problems that has not yet been solved by all of humanity! It sincerely seemed to me then that the main thing for understanding the problem of cancer is the amount of knowledge, i.e. amount of intelligence (what naivety...). So, my dear colleague, specialist and developer, at the time when I was just starting to work on this problem it seemed to me (as perhaps it seems to you now) that I was better than many I understand others, on the one hand, all the “complexity”, and on the other, all the “simplicity” of the problem of cancer. It seemed to me at that time (as perhaps it seems to you now) that my theory and concept was absolutely correct, confirmed by practice and can be adopted by many specialists and patients (what holy naivety...). It seemed to me at that time (as perhaps it seems to you now) that in this way I could really help solve the problem of cancer and equip people with an effective method of combating this illness (what holy naivety...). Oh, my friend, how naive I was in my discrete understanding of the “complexity and simplicity” of this problem. Oh, my friend, how blind I was, relying on my own to solve this problem (and our human) mind with its narrowness and linearity of thinking. Oh, my friend, how limited I was in my human perception and understanding of the fundamental laws of Evolution. Oh, my friend, it seemed so naive to me at that time (as maybe it seems now for you too), that the possibilities of understanding the Way to fight this disease are equally available to every person (what naivety...). It seemed to me then that the whole “complexity” of our victory over cancer lies only in...... the absence we have true knowledge of how to use our own internal reserves and capabilities, but......after exactly seven years of daily and persistent work on this problem, work that completely absorbed all my time and all my strength; which sometimes brought me to an extreme degree of physical, moral and mental exhaustion; labor, which constantly plunged me headlong into the very abyss of suffering and hell, when, contrary to all calculations and forecasts, patients and my closest friends passed away, during which I lost my parents and myself managed to be on the brink of death, having experienced a severe crisis ...So, after seven years of this hellish work, from which I was repeatedly completely turned inside out due to the deepest depressions with weeks of sleepless nights, when alcohol simply did not affect me (at all and in any quantity), and a whole group of psychologists and confessors was powerless to restore my emotional and psychological imbalance - work from which I simply did not want to live in this world and in this world anymore...... only after all this, one fine and, indeed, bright day, as if “completely by accident “an insight came to me in the form of......a completely clear, simple and uncomplicated understanding of not the complexity, but the ingenious simplicity of the “problem” of cancer. More precisely, the “problem of cancer” (assuch), there was no such thing at all, but there was only an understanding or, more precisely, a “vision” of the evolutionary “naturalness”, yes, precisely the “naturalness” of this disease (paradoxical as it may seem!), which is the main cause of mortality of the adult population of the earth. I am completely I then clearly and clearly realized for myself the single energy-information principle of the interconnection of all things. In this light, cancer looked like a completely natural process from an evolutionary point of view of breaking the connection with...... the single source of life - its “matrix”, or, more simply, with “God” (forgive me for this anti-science, reader). In this light, the true cause of cancer, in addition to the variety of factors damaging the DNA structure (chemical, physical, biological, psychosomatic, etc.), was the rupture or distortion of primary energy-information connections (Divine connections), which provide energy and information to all processes of cellular specialization . In other words, cancer looked like a “disease of separation or disconnection” of the body from its standard-species “energy-information matrix.” I would tell you, reader, in more detail how this happened, how “They” came to me, etc. ..... how “They” enlightened and enlightened me, but I’m afraid you’re not ready for this yet, and therefore you either won’t believe me or, even worse, you’ll consider this my delirium (a consequence of my mental disorder). Don’t be scared, my friend, this is not nonsense or fantasy. These are those miracles and unexpected “meetings” that occur in the most secluded and hidden corners of our consciousness, located on the periphery and at the very border of our mental abilities, where the train of our everyday thoughts does not penetrate. These are the “miracles” that sometimes happen to creative people, and which cannot always be explained rationally. Don’t be alarmed, my reader, I am of sound mind, because otherwise I simply would not have been able to write a scientific work under the guidance of a professor, doctor of medicine Sciences, Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus and a leading specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus in radiation therapy (former, unfortunately, since she passed away in 2006 from... cancer...).Nevertheless, after all that I had to experience While working to understand the true nature of cancer, all my reasonable calculations, calculations and rational conclusions regarding the theory and practice of fighting cancer that I created with a smile seemed to me...... childish and holy naivety (without quotes): - that the most sacred naivety with which a primary school student, receiving an A in natural history, is absolutely sure that he “knows” nature... - the naivety with which a student who has successfully passed a course project, quite seriously believes that he really , “strong” in this topic... - the naivety with which a dissertation candidate, who has successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis, completely confidently considers himself “one of the greatest specialists” in this field... - the naivety with which a doctor of science and professor convinced of his indisputable authority as the “largest” specialist not only in this field of knowledge, but in almost everything... - the naivety with which an academician of several academies and a laureate of many awards quite seriously considers himself “close to the Truth itself”... This chain of human naivety, my dear, is not limited to just the exoteric (i.e. scientific) sphere. In the esoteric (i.e. irrational) sphere, the situation is practically the same. With the same naivety, a novice mystic or esotericist who has discovered astral “vision” (third eye) seriously considers himself “clairvoyant”... With the same naively, a novice healer-practitioner or psychic, who first touched the divine power of intention, seriously considers himself a “super healer” or “powerful magician”... With the same naivety, the parish sexton, who has risen to the rank of priest, somewhere in the depths of his soul, gradually , admits the thought of his “holiness” and closeness to God, and the metropolitan or patriarch is seriously confident in his “partnership” and “neighborhood” withGod... Unfortunately (and fortunately at the same time), this chain of human naivety could continue further, but...... the time allotted to us for our “games” on earth is very short... All these thoughts, dear my specialist, scientist or master, in reality, is nothing more than our purely human and childish naivety, or rather, the naivety of our human way of thinking. All this is naivety, only at different levels of awareness, to which Truth itself, looking at them from the side and smiling almost in the same way as a Mother smiles, looking at her playful child, there is no serious matter. The Loving Mother perceives all of them - those who seek Her - only as her children, loving them and playing any games with them completely frivolously, although they are all so serious in your thoughts and aspirations in relation to the Truth. All these naiveties, my dear reader, are in reality nothing more than the steps of one long ladder - the endless ladder of the evolution of knowledge and our ideas about such a complex, multidimensional and not always comprehensible world. Get rid of this naivety, my colleague, don’t fall into the trap of just one of the steps of your evolution. When you want to do something solid and fundamental in life, always first look ahead and try to find the outlines of the next evolutionary step beyond the horizon. It will help you understand the relativity and conditionality of everything unshakable and fundamental in science and, especially, medicine. I told you all this, my dear inventor and specialist, so that you “simply” know how a person gets possession of the Truth in any matter, including oncology. The truth about cancer and humanity’s ability to resist this disease is actually worth nothing, because few rationally thinking people need it in life, and at the same time, it is very expensive.* * * Now after this lyrical-romantic essay we will move directly to the problem of cancer, etc. the “true theory” of carcinogenesis and the real possibilities of humanity to create in the near future effective technologies and means of combating this disease. The first thing I want to tell you, dear specialist and developer of the latest cancer treatment methods, is that throughout your life (no matter how long you are no older now), the golden monument to the “savior of humanity from cancer” will not be erected to anyone in the world, because this simply will not happen. Alas, the solution to this problem “at the root” in reality simply does not depend only on the level of technology development. This will not happen for the simple reason that at this stage of evolutionary and technological development humanity simply does not have such intellectual and technological capabilities to penetrate to the primary level of the energy-informational structure of DNA, and in addition, understand the very language of higher bioprogramming. The root causes and hidden mechanisms of carcinogenesis, unfortunately (and fortunately at the same time) have an extremely complex multidimensional energy-informational, or rather, vibrational nature, which, as I have already said that it goes beyond the limits of human perception and the possibility of human understanding. It (the nature of the root causes) cannot be understood in principle. This is a kind of supreme “artifact” that has a completely abstract and incomprehensible energy-informational nature. That is why it is almost impossible to understand with the mind and explain rationally the causes of congenital and childhood oncology. It is extremely difficult for humanity to fight cancer at this stage of evolutionary development, primarily for the reason that this disease has a bioinformational and evolutionary basis that is common to all living matter, associated with the functioning of complex mechanisms of heredity and genetic memory, which ensure the evolutionary processes of variability, adaptability and stability of species. In other words, cancer diseases are a kind of “costs” (errors) of higher bioinformational mechanisms (variability and adaptability), and the fight against cancer, in essence, there is a fight against entropy and higherevolutionary tools of Nature. That is why the “fight” against cancer, as a phenomenon, in principle, is to a certain extent a fight against Evolution itself, and in this “fight” a person has little chance, or rather, none at all. We are talking about purely technological chances, but humanity HAS EVOLUTIONARY CHANCES. Speaking about the nature of the root causes of cancer, we can also say that the same information tools of evolution that ensure the variability of biological species (due to the phenomenon of polymorphism) ...... with their reverse side fix in hereditary lines the same negative changes (distortions) that occur with this disease. It is these mechanisms of genetic memory that make cancer, to a certain extent, an inherited disease. Any attempts to technologically eliminate the “so-called the root causes" of cancer (and in essence the natural mechanisms of variability and adaptability) - there is a gross impact on higher information processes and gross interference in natural evolutionary tools. This is nothing more than attempts to directly influence the Highest Plan itself and the course of Evolution in living matter. This is essentially an intervention in the affairs of God, i.e. the highest level of responsibility and awareness before Nature and the universe. This is what it means to be able to “solve” the cancer problem for all of humanity. It is for this reason that humanity is unlikely to ever be able to eradicate cancer as a phenomenon. In other words, we will have to learn......to live with this disease as a completely “natural artifact.” You, reader, may experience a natural question: will science be able to reach the level of correction of primary energy-information connections in the foreseeable future? I will answer you this way: at this stage of development, humanity is not yet ready to reach this level. The fact is that this level of possibilities (correction possibilities evolutionary processes) imposes a very special responsibility on any researcher and operator, since it is the level of responsibility of the Creator himself. Think about whether humanity and its individual representatives (represented by researchers of this problem) with all their purely human “naiveties” and vices are ready today to headed by selfishness and commercialism to enter the level of capabilities of the Creator Himself? Think, is at least one earthly person today - a prominent scientist or even a group of scientists - ready to think like that about all living beings in the air, water, on earth and underground; so feel them all with your Heart and Love them all the way the Father - the Lord God Loves them? I will answer you, reader, completely sincerely and affirmatively: NO, NOT ONE IS READY YET!!! Today, or rather, on this day At the stage of evolutionary development, this level of bioinformation capabilities cannot yet be within the competence of a person (a rationally thinking person), because any modern researcher, including the most eminent academicians and professors (not to mention ordinary researchers), is still far from perfect in his thinking in order to in order to touch the Highest possibilities and understand Evolution exactly as the true Creator - the Lord God - understands it. Modern man is not yet ready for the Highest degree of responsibility before all of Nature (and before himself), because for this he has not yet gone through a whole series of evolutionary stages of work with with all our human naiveties. That is why the “golden monument” to the deliverer of humanity from cancer will not be erected to anyone in the near future. Dear reader (specialist), you are probably already interested in the question of whether it is then at least possible to understand the mechanisms of carcinogenesis? I will answer this question for you. A relative understanding of these mechanisms is to some extent possible, but this is a matter of the very distant future - that future when the entire energy-information structure of DNA is understood, and when the language of higher bioprogramming itself is understood as a language of communication primary DNA structures with cellular structures. When this language is deciphered and understood, only then will it be possible to talk about controlled and programmable apoptosis, about program learning(bioprogramming) and targeted cellular specialization using bioprogramming tools. Only then will it be possible to purposefully control the behavior of the tumor in the body, since it will be possible to communicate with any cells of the body on a “You” basis. But all this is still... far ahead, and on the Path to this there are still a lot of mistakes and discoveries and amazing secrets waiting for us. To date, modern science has only been able to superficially estimate the total volume of the information structure of DNA, which is ~ 3 billion base pairs and the international ENCODE group was able to decipher only 30 million pairs or 1%. Today it is already known for sure that cancer is caused not only by specific oncogenes, as previously thought, and almost any gene can become “cancerous” if there is a change in its structure or expression, in which it is involved in the process of carcinogenesis as one of the elements of tumor formation. Today it is already known for sure that cancer can be caused by a very large number of different factors of a damaging nature, all of which ultimately act on the same level - the level of the energy-information structure of DNA. In general, science is once again moving towards solving the mystery of cancer discovered for myself another horizon and a new plane of this problem, beyond which...... there are other horizons, but not the answer to the question. There is another side to this problem. My dear specialist and scientist, you must understand that anyone to the modern researcher with his human naivety, i.e. - a rational and discrete way of thinking, with its limitations in front of the complexity and multidimensionality of the Truth, to trust the level of higher “bioprogramming” is NOT ONLY UNREASONABLE, BUT ALSO CRIMINALLY DANGEROUS!, because that Level from which you can control the cellular specialization of any living organism in dirty hands (more precisely – dirty minds) can become the most terrible bioinformational weapon on Earth. In the dirty and uncleaned minds of people, mastering this level today can bring a lot of destruction, troubles and suffering to the Earth and all living beings, including Man himself. That is why the level of higher bioinformational capabilities is RELIABLE PROTECTED!!! for any rough and rational approach with all its human (egocentric) vices and naiveties. Dear reader, have no doubt, it is reliably protected by our friends and in our own interests! I’ll say one more thing - in order to reach this level of energy information capabilities, consciousness (rational) will need to go through quite a lot of stages of improvement - “purification”, “refinement” and ethical, or rather BIO-ETHICAL DEVELOPMENT. This is why any modern scientist and developer of various technologies for “saving” humanity from cancer to this level “purity of consciousness” needs to grow for a long time, grow, grow and grow......moving consistently and progressively through all the steps and levels of its exoteric (i.e. purely scientific) and esoteric (i.e. purely human) naivety. That is why the solution to the problem of cancer - this is not so much a question of the quantity of consciousness as a question of the quality of consciousness. These are the conditions, my dear reader, that are necessary in order to curb such an ailment as cancer. You probably already understood from my words, dear reader, that all the problems and difficulties associated with cancer treatment are associated, first of all, with the linearity and directness of the approaches that exist today. This is precisely the main “difficulty” of solving the problem of cancer on Earth at the present stage. Since cancer is a disease that has a multidimensional and multi-level energy-informational nature, the only correct approach that can ensure success in its treatment is COMPREHENSIVE. This is why I tell you, the reader, so many times and so insistently, about an integrative and holistic approach to treatment. Integrity is essentially a multidimensional solution to not one problem - getting rid of a tumor, but three problems at the same time: destruction of the tumor, elimination of provokingfactors and the main thing is the restoration of information. Since cancer is a disease of “excommunication” from God or “disconnection” of a person from his energy-information matrix, treatment of cancer is, accordingly, the reverse “inclusion” of a person into the matrix or bringing him closer to the source of life ( to God). Treatment of cancer from an energy-informational point of view is, in addition to removing the tumor itself, also “ordering” the energy-information fields of the body, which are in a state of relative chaos (entropy). You see, my dear reader, cancer treatment, in essence, is the restoration in a person of his lost (torn and distorted) Divinity. That’s the whole “simplicity” of this problem. You’ve probably already asked yourself another question: if at this stage of evolutionary and technological development cancer remains an incurable disease for many people, then what can we really do right now? Good question and I will answer it for you too. First of all, do not have any illusions and puzzle over solving this problem at its roots, especially by creating “super-new theories”, and at the same time a “super-panacea” with “miracle technologies” cancer treatment. These are all “children’s games” of our human naivety. Today, humanity is still, in principle, not able to solve the problem of cancer (purely technologically), but, of course, it should in no way abandon attempts to find means and methods of combating this disease .In this work, after the well-known 11:11 window, he should move not in one way, but in several ways simultaneously: - develop existing technologies for combating tumors - search for new ways and means of solving this problem based on integrated approaches, and at the same time.. .- be sure not to forget about those who are sick right today and right now. Do you understand me, researcher? Doctors and oncologists must understand a simple thing - if cancer in the world at this stage of evolutionary development is only half curable, then for the second half (already sick and those who are still sick) it is incurable. It is for this half (the sick and those who will get sick) that we need to take care today not only about “treatment”, but also about mitigating the burden of the disease and improving the quality of their life with the disease. In other words, humanity must directly now, along with the development of technologies and methods for treating cancer, we must begin to develop integrative technologies and methods for improving the quality of life of patients, because they are suffering and suffering right now and there are a lot of them and their number will only grow. Their suffering and pain is the pain of their loved ones and relatives and this is the PAIN of the WHOLE EARTH (Gaia). This is what “our friends” say. You should know, developer and healer, that these doomed patients will no longer be able to receive any real help from either science or medicine. They right now and very urgently need many types of relieving (palliative), complementary (complementary), as well as psychological, social and spiritual assistance. This is absolutely true, believe me, as a practitioner. And in this direction, oncology, medicine and talented people have a huge field for creativity and development. Yes, I’m talking about the development of an integrated approach to cancer treatment based on combining technologies of curative (therapeutic), complementary and facilitative (palliative) care. These are real fronts of work not for tomorrow, but for today. These are real areas for help and for investing money in human (personal) technologies. Now a few words about successes on the scientific “fronts”. I have some good news from our “friends”. Taking into account some global changes of a cosmogenic nature (window 11: 11) that occurred in the information structure of human DNA, in the near future the total number of people in the world who will be able to be cured on their own, or rather, to be cured of cancer, will increase. Subsequently, as a new human race (information) is formed, the number of self-healers will gradually increase. Thus, in oncology in the near foreseeable future, TWO POSITIVE TRENDS will emerge: - purelytechnological (nanotechnological) and purely human (personal) based on integrated methods. On the one hand, development will move towards genetic engineering and nanotechnology for correction (repair) of DNA structure. And although this direction will not initially yield tangible results, nevertheless it will develop in three main directions: 1. Further decoding of the bioinformatic structure of the genome2. Search for possible methods and technologies of interaction with the genome.3. Attempts to create bioinformation technologies to influence the genome and DNA structure. The impetus for the development of this direction will be numerous discoveries of various mechanisms for the transfer of biological information into the cell nucleus to control its specialization. It is curious, my dear researcher, that there will be many mechanisms for transferring this information to the primary level , but the most surprising thing will be that of all the mechanisms and methods of influence, the genome will best respond to linguistic commands (commands modulated by speech), but science will not be able to find the source of synchronization of all commands in the near future. Another amazing discovery will be is that the PRIMARY ENERGY-INFORMATION STRUCTURE OF DNA WILL BE “INTELLIGENT” AND IT WILL “KNOW” ABOUT THE INTENTIONS OF ANY RESEARCHER. To solve this problem, scientists will have to learn to “turn off” their mind and this will be one of the main problems in studying the information structure of DNA. At the same time, integrative technologies for targeted use in the treatment of internal human factors will be developed: the power of awareness, the factor of intention and willpower. and the moment of unification (integration) of human and bioinformation technologies can be the creation and development of unique technologies for interaction with the information structure of DNA. These are technologies of GLP or genetic-linguistic programming. These technologies will not be developed using revolutionary methods. They will develop quite slowly and progressively and only on the condition that humanity successfully emerges from the global crisis and enters the next stage of its evolutionary and bioinformational development, and does not destroy itself in a “holy war.” Thus, step by step, like a game card, the entire mechanism of the most complex program-information structure of DNA will be revealed. In other words, in the near future in oncology there will be an integrative trend of combining the most physiological technologies for tumor destruction and bioinformation technologies for correcting consciousness and DNA structure. Look for yourself today , specialist and developer, if you really want to help people and progress only in this alloy, and not separately. Because taken separately, these technologies are ineffective. Don’t go “headlong” into just psychology, just religion, or just technology, keep this whole fusion in your field of vision. This is your multidimensionality. Having destroyed the tumor, without correcting the DNA structure, you will doom the patient to an inevitable relapse (with the promise of a complete cure). And if you try to activate the human factor and restore the DNA structure without getting rid of the tumor, you will lose the patient even before he feels the effect of information restoration. Such areas of work as the rehabilitation of cancer patients after courses of intensive treatment and their adaptation to normal life have enormous potential life. The area of ​​palliative care deserves special and very close attention today. These are the areas where the HUMAN FACTOR can be most effectively implemented. If you are an attentive researcher and developer, you should definitely notice one interesting trend. Recently, oncology and psychology have begun to intersect more and more, and spirituality has become increasingly integrated into palliative care and medicine. Many interesting discoveries have appeared in related and borderline disciplines - multidimensional psychology, multidimensional medicine, etc., new areas of medicine have appeared -
