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Currently, one of the main tasks in inclusive education is to create an accessible and equal environment for every child in which he can acquire knowledge, skills, and abilities and develop communication skills, regardless of the severity of the disorder. The main tasks of society are to develop the skill of interacting with society, the ability to correctly conduct a dialogue, the development of emotional intelligence, the ability to correctly navigate social functions and roles. Children with autism spectrum disorder have a number of features in interacting with society . Some of them are in the field of language and communication skills, in rigidity of behavior, in motor mannerisms, as well as in stereotypies (O.B. Bagdashina, O.S. Nikolskaya, E.R. Baenskaya, M.M. Liebling, V. V. Lebedinsky, K.S. Lebedinskaya, R. Jordan, L. Kanner and others). A key problem for society is the peculiarity of the development of interpersonal relationships in children with autism spectrum disorder. In the educational environment, this problem is being actively studied and they are inclined to conclude that the development of communicative competence and personality development occurs through a joint creative process, in particular with the use of art technologies. Art technologies use different types of art through which diagnostic and correctional procedures are organized, the purpose of which is aimed at solving problems in impaired interaction with the environment. In the works of various researchers on the application of art technologies in correctional and developmental activities, it can be noted that the most effective and applicable for children with mental and emotional disorders is art modeling, art, fairytale therapy. They are more accessible and understandable for a person with mental disabilities, and are also easily applicable in the work of a teacher, therefore, we can assume the promise of this innovative technology. Art technologies make it possible to develop social skills in situations of group communication, because in the creative process the child acquires new vivid experiences and emotions, inhibition decreases, and the importance of oneself in the world and in the sociocultural space is formed. This statement justifies the increase in the number of published works in various publications describing practical experience of using art technologies in pedagogical practice and the presence of different target and content orientations of the analyzed pedagogical activity (L. S. Brusilovsky, V. E. Rozhnova, I. Yu. Levchenko N. Yu. Zhvitiashvili, O. V. Platonova, E V. Romanenko, E. Yu. Shikhova, etc.). Art technologies help a child get in touch with his inner world, understand his thoughts and feelings, express his dreams, accept himself as he is, and also free himself from internal anxieties. Creative activity allows you to reflect your inner perception of the world into the outside world, as well as reflect your attitude towards the environment through the product of your activity. Drawing and modeling develop gross and fine motor skills, the sensory-motor sphere, which allows you to better sense your body in space, as this requires coordination of all areas of higher mental functions. During creative activity through isotherapy and art modeling, the left and right brain hemispheres are united and integrated, as concrete-figurative and abstract-logical thinking is activated. Visual activity not only develops cognitive functions, visual and motor coordination, but also connects them with each other. Iso-therapy is a drawing therapy used in working with children who experience difficulties in the emotional-volitional sphere, in educational activities and social adaptation. Isotherapy has several correctional and developmental tasks: awakens internal resources and increases performance; forms new beliefs, fixing them in reality in the products of creative activity; develops cognitive and emotional spheres, including creative.
