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Neglect is a known form of abuse. In part, this term coincides with the term “pedagogical neglect,” which is better known to educational psychologists. But the concept of pedagogical neglect is broader. It can include both neglect (i.e. leaving the child to his own devices and lack of basic care for him), and serious omissions in the upbringing and cognitive development of the child due to a low educational level or pedagogical illiteracy of the parents. For example, a seven-year-old child going to school First grade may not be able to tell you your birthday or your mother’s middle name and, living in a multi-story building, may not know the meaning of the word “entrance.” It is undoubtedly pedagogically neglected. At the same time, he is probably dressed cleanly and for the season, fed on time, he is taken care of, and he often spends time communicating with other family members. There is no neglect here; and if, in addition, he receives enough warmth and love, then he is quite well off emotionally. (True, when he begins to study, it will be more difficult for him to feel competent and love learning than for more developed children.) If the child is not fed on time and not provided with the necessary things, if parents may not communicate with him for days, or even days. know where he is, then he is neglected. Such a child is often noticed in a childcare center because he is simply not well-groomed. This is possible, for example, in families where both parents (or a single parent) suffer from addiction and do not care about the child, being in an insane state, or in families leading an antisocial or criminal lifestyle. Or in the case where the parent himself was neglected as a child, and he does not know what it is like to take care of his child. For these or for some other reason, parents neglect their child and do not worry about him. (Increased anxiety of parents, of course, also creates emotional problems for the child, but it is more favorable.) In such families, it happens that the child has not been home for two or three days, and the parents are not looking for him. Where is he? Did you go to grandma? Spending the night with a friend? Or ran away from home? Or disappeared? Childhood experience of neglect contributes to the formation of severe psychological problems in a person. First of all, he really is not safe: his risk of becoming a victim of an accident or crime is much higher than that of other supervised children. He does not feel protected, does not see that his parents are support and support, and that they take care of him. He initially has serious trust issues because he feels abandoned and has no one to rely on. A person who grows up insecure is likely to become quite paranoid: suspicious and distrustful. Increased aggressiveness may be associated with this (the credo of a paranoid person is known: “the best way to defend is to attack”). In severe cases, unformed trust makes a person unable to love, become attached and feel empathy, which makes this person’s aggression destructive. If the child is not provided with the most necessary things , then such a life in itself pushes him to steal. If, moreover, they have not explained to him “what is good and what is bad,” the risk of criminalization increases. Chronically neglected children always grow up, if not completely antisocial, then with a significant amount of antisociality in their personality structure. Sometimes already in childhood they have problems with the law. But even if a person avoids criminalization, his future life will be complicated. If he starts a family, he will have difficulties with how to build relationships based on love and trust and take care of children. In work - in order to take on responsibilities, be responsible and cooperate. All these skills, which may seem natural, are formed in a person in childhood in interaction with the family that cares for him. Neglect interferes with the formation of the very basis for a person’s prosperous life in society.
