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A calling is some kind of activity that arouses sincere interest, an emotional response and works well. You can consider a vocation in the form of some kind of hobby that helps brighten up the gray days. Or you can turn it into your life’s work, which will also allow you to earn income. Finding your recognition is not an easy task. Modern society is focused on earning money and being in demand, rather than on pleasure. Therefore, in order to understand your true interest, you will have to go beyond the usual stereotypes, listen to your own self and understand what it really wants. This simultaneously actualizes many hidden fears - fear of error, fear of evaluation, fear of rejection, fear of responsibility, fear that it will not work out and many others. These fears can reach such intensity that they do not allow a person to even take the first step. Therefore, they will have to be worked out. The following personal qualities may also stand in the way of self-realization: - Poor contact with yourself and your emotions. In this case, the person does not clearly feel who he is, what he is like, how he feels in this state and what he wants. That is, he can work for years at a job he doesn’t like and not even understand that he is experiencing discomfort. You can guess that there is a problem only by indirect signs - general dissatisfaction, lack of success, chronic fatigue, ailments of various types. The opposite state can be observed in young children, who are instantly drawn to exactly the toy that they like. It is very easy for them to make choices because their minds are not yet bound by many restrictions and attitudes. A person loses this amazing ability due to destructive upbringing. As a rule, people who are in poor contact with themselves grew up in families in which a ban on the expression of emotions was imposed, the needs and interests of the child were not taken into account, parental demands were conveyed in an authoritarian form, and self-expression was criticized. - Perfectionism and inflated demands on oneself . A person is confident that if he finds his calling, he must be impeccable in it and reach unprecedented heights. Any result other than ideal will not suit him. The flip side of high expectations is the impossibility of the task. And if it still doesn’t work “as it should,” then why try. As a result, a person plunges into doubts, procrastination and decides that it is better to stay in an unloved, but reliable job. After all, in this way it will be possible to blame the system for its “imperfection”, while preserving one’s own self from self-criticism. The origins of this condition are also found in childhood, when a bar was set for the child, which he never reached. - Reluctance to accept responsibility. Such a person will wait for years for his calling to reveal itself to him one fine day. He is confident that then everything will come together easily and simply, requiring virtually no effort. Until this calling has been revealed to him, he can still wait. The reason for this may be overprotective upbringing, when the child is not allowed to make his own choices and take on even the slightest responsibility. Even as an adult, he expects a symbolic parent who should come and give what he needs. - Low self-esteem. In this case, a person tends to constantly belittle and devalue himself and his achievements. Whatever he does, it seems to him not good enough and significant - “Everyone can do this.” And if he knows how to do only ordinary and trivial things, then what kind of vocation can we talk about? Self-esteem problems stem from childhood. Such a child has not received sufficient confirmation of his “goodness” and importance. Perhaps he was often criticized for no reason or compared with other children not in his favor. To return the ability to perform effectively, work on self-esteem is necessary. - Fear of uncertainty. No one can guarantee the development of your own business. Moreover, it is obvious that there will be difficulties and possible losses. To this fear
