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In this article we will talk about the actions that are necessary to develop and strengthen self-love. Get to know yourself! Yes, yes, I was not mistaken. You need to really get to know yourself, get to know yourself better, see yourself from a neutral perspective, because for so long you have been looking at yourself from the dark. What do you like? What do you like? What do you want from life? What is your dream? What are the goals? What do you hate? What makes you happy? What makes you feel confident? And there are many more questions, the answers to which will help you find out what is important to you and what you need to strive for. Where to start? Spend at least 30 minutes a day getting to know yourself. Remember how you meet a new person? What are you asking? What do you want to know first? Write down all these questions. Answer each of these questions every day. Your goal is to look at yourself from a different perspective, to learn something you haven't thought about before. Do what you want to do and don't do what you don't want to do. Often we work at a job we don’t like, communicate with those who are not interesting to us, deny ourselves our favorite TV series, force ourselves to come to the family party of our second cousin’s eldest son. And then we are sincerely surprised why we don’t want anything at all. Where to start? How often during the day/week do you do something that you don’t want to do? (list, indicate number of times) How often during the day/week do you not do what you would like to do? (list, indicate number of times) How often do you do what you want to do? (list, indicate the number of times) What could you stop doing from lists 1 and 2? What could you add to the list and life on list 3? Give up people who interfere. It sounds quite rude, but sometimes this is a necessary measure, to help yourself. It is much easier to seek self-love and learn this when there are those nearby who give their love, who show by their own example how it is to love yourself and love others. It happens completely differently when there is a person nearby who shows dislike for himself and others in different ways. others, in particular you. Where to start? Analyze your immediate environment: list those who are close to you, in close physical or emotional contact. Are there among these people those who regularly or sometimes: insult, ignore, devalue, humiliate you/yourself/others? Who on this list makes you feel bad after interacting with them? Tag these people. Are there anyone among these people who regularly or sometimes: supports, encourages, is attentive, listens and hears you/themselves/others? Who on this list makes you feel good after interacting with them? Tag these people in a different way. Look closely at what you come up with. Now you know which people influence you. Your task: reduce/limit communication with the former and increase communication with the latter. Take care of your body, body, appearance. Remember how everyone cares about the health/body of the child. Growing up, you forget how important this is. It’s as if health becomes something self-replenishing. However, this is not so. It is impossible to love yourself and ignore physiological needs. What has your body been dreaming about for a long time? What about the body? Maybe about a massage course or a cosmetologist? More sleep? New winter boots that don't have holes in the soles? Give yourself what you need. Where to start? Write a list of what your body/body/appearance needs. No, not you - your brain, but your body! Write at least 10 points - it could be something small (fresh air before bed) or something large (a full vacation of at least 2 weeks). What from this list can you do today? Do it! Regularly do what is on this list, and add what becomes relevant. And remember, this list is more important than the list of tasks for the day! This concludes my big talk about self-love. I am sure that you and I will return to this topic more than once, because self-love is an interesting and multifaceted process, time after time you can find something new, important, and valuable in it. Remember! Every
