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From the author: The game is not only for children. For adults, “playing” can be both very exciting and healing. Frequent gentle play of little children with soft dolls, toys, singing lullabies and nursery rhymes to them is a basic step at the stage of the emergence and transformation of primary feelings. But mothers do not always know how to play with their small children and sing to them, even if they want to. And sometimes they sincerely don’t understand why sing a lullaby (“my daughter doesn’t fall asleep when I sing”, “my son listens and doesn’t fall asleep”, “he falls asleep better in silence” and other sayings of mothers), why bother with the baby, accompanying the actions with nursery rhymes (“ he then begins to indulge). You can learn if it becomes clear what is hidden behind this “I can’t” and the lack of understanding “why”. And then the mother’s communication with her baby becomes surprisingly pleasant and interesting for both. And this maternal investment will pay off in spades when the child grows up active, inquisitive, happy, and confident. How to learn? There is a lot of literature on raising children, some of which is truly valuable. There are good seminars where experts share knowledge about the characteristics of children’s development and provide information about the “correct” behavior of parents in various difficult situations. They tell you what to do when a child is naughty and doesn’t listen. Answers many parent questions "why" and "how". I also conduct such a seminar - training “Conscious Parenting or Parenting with Love”. Sometimes this information is enough for mothers to establish happy relationships with their babies. But not always. In my practice, there are often cases when mothers bitterly report that they know all this, but it doesn’t work out. Let me give you a few phrases. “These are other children, probably so, but mine understands everything and does it out of spite”, “I can’t sing”, “I don’t have enough patience”, “Something inside is holding me down, I can’t”... Then, so that “it turns out “It’s useful to recognize what is hidden behind these “I can’t.” And here not even the best advice works. You can recognize me at individual psychological consultations and at group meetings “Play therapy for adults.” Not through information for the brain, but through your awareness, through your experience. In my classes, “recognizing through your experience” does not mean experiencing pain or suffering. Through play it is exciting, interesting and maybe even fun. And a lot becomes clear. Freedom appears, ease in feelings and actions. As one participant in such a group said: “So they played for you... And so much happened…».
