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All articles by psychologists are to some extent advertising in nature. For me, not in the sense of “this is how I am guaranteed to help,” but in the sense of: here is the text I wrote. My personality somehow showed up in this text. Consider for yourself how you would like contact with such a person, whether a relationship with him is suitable for you. Can you open up? Did the text and reasoning evoke any feelings in you or leave you indifferent? How is it better for you to interact with a specialist: at the height of emotions or detachedly. Or in general - it’s simpler: I want or don’t want to interact, based on the text. Once you get to 1-2 consultations, you can change your decision, but the primary choice is the result of reading the texts. (And the sundress, of course, but that’s not about that now) And so I’m writing an article. And I want to write: In X number of consultations we will cope with problem Y. How attractive? But I won’t write like that, because I can’t give guarantees. I read on the Forum a topic about a person who, before the operation, was faced with an uncertain outcome. And he worries, he worries. Cannot influence the outcome. No one has any guarantees. In psychotherapy, in my understanding, there are no guarantees either. Everything is like in life. What can we agree on with the client - the time and frequency of meetings, payment. That it is his difficulties and condition that will be at the center of our conversation. The fact that I don’t know exactly how he is “better” and how to achieve this. Of course, I know the general principles, for example: a person who loves solitude will not be made happy by performing on stage. Even in such a simple example, “general patterns” may not work: a person does not like publicity, but was able to speak at a conference. He did not become an artist, but he realized that in cases where it was in his interests, he could endure the attention of a large number of people. And I’m glad about it. Therefore, in each case, everything is individual. And therefore, too, the result is not guaranteed. Well, why waste money and time then? In my opinion, there is no such thing as fruitless help. Even several meetings are a new relationship, a new experience. This changes a person, makes his ideas about life more voluminous and thereby changes his options for choice. Both in the area of ​​“I can imagine myself” and in the area of ​​real actions. I consult in person and online 8-921-919-85-59
