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“I’ll help you get rid of eating disorder quickly, regardless of the severity of the case!” - I see such posts more and more often on social networks. Let's look at 2 of the most striking examples of stories. (Examples of stories are of a collective nature) 1) A girl who developed bulimia in college. And who, after six months of inducing vomiting, realized that she had ceased to control this process. For another six months she studied as best she could what was happening to her. And so, after 2-3 years, I came to a psychologist. 2) A girl whose bulimia began in school. Periods of severe week-long hunger strikes were followed by equally long episodes of overeating. The only thing she could think about then was weight and food. She grew up, her life circumstances changed, but she got used to running away from her problems into food. Over time, she also began to study what was happening to her. I realized that this was a disorder and, with 10 years of experience with bulimia, I came to a psychologist. She clings to the idea that the cause of her disorder is childhood trauma. I think you understand that the first girl’s case of disorder is milder and it will take her less time to get out of the disorder. The girl from the second example has a very long history of disorder and it started at an earlier age, when the psyche was still forming, so RPP seemed to have already been built into her personality, roughly speaking. Thus, we will have to work not only with her ability to cope with stress without eating disorders, but also to transform deeper personal processes. Also, fixation on a reason such as childhood trauma often indicates a child’s irresponsible position and the client’s reluctance to take responsibility for his life. Which also makes therapy longer.⭕ What is the danger of believing in a quick recovery? Believing yourself or assuring the client that it is possible to quickly get rid of eating disorder, regardless of the severity and duration of the disorder, would mean causing a feeling of guilt both in oneself and in the client (Client may think - “It means there is something wrong with me if there is no quick recovery”). Or the client may become disillusioned with psychotherapy, deciding that no one can help him. In my work, there were a variety of time frames for getting rid of eating disorder - from 6 sessions to several years. For some, it is enough to work through the childhood trauma that became the catalyst for eating disorder and the disorder begins pass. And some people need years of therapy to grow into an adult, self-sufficient person, capable of controlling their life, taking responsibility for themselves and building healthy relationships with other people, not seeing everyone as a mom or dad. Practicing psychologist. More than 10 years in the topic of rpp. You can ask questions and sign up for a consultation by phone.: +7(903)2210998
