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From the author: What motivates us when choosing goods and services? Do we really think that we “think” ourselves... The largest advertising firms are engaged in research on motives. For example, it has been established that people smoke to free themselves from a tense state, become more sociable or balanced, and reward themselves for their efforts. Teenagers who smoke demonstrate their independence and maturity. Young people who smoke look older, and older people look younger. Other studies have concluded that there are two most important means of influencing the buyer (meaning his desire to occupy a higher social position): 1) Indicate a high price on the label of the relevant item; 2) Enlist celebrity reviews about the product being sold. Methods for studying motives are often drawn from a psychiatric clinic. These include, for example, psychoanalytic conversation. At the social or public level, creativity in advertising is a matter of special responsibility for the influence of images on both the conscious and unconscious levels. The language of images used in advertising is one of the languages ​​spoken the unconscious, perhaps one of the most studied in advertising today, more accessible and most used. A person thinks in images, creates with their help, he speaks in images, fantasizes, sees images in dreams, then they are even filmed, and he is created a person in the image and likeness. But still, in the beginning there was an image, and then a likeness, and until now man constantly produces images and himself consists of these images. Any image is a conductor of life or death, a tendency towards creation or destruction. Every day we feed on images of advertising, and It seems to us that we treat them completely indifferently. In addition, we believe that we are guaranteed immunity from images and, moreover, that we are superior to them. However, these images constantly penetrate us, influence us and reinforce the worst of our complexes. Consider the psychological aspect of everything related to advertising. Advertising is about capturing and attracting everyone's attention. Behind the completely harmless and meaningless images that make up advertising, there is a very clearly developed technique that serves the functionality of this advertising, but, unfortunately, a significant number of images that are found in advertising videos and stands on the streets of our cities are regressive and negative. Although, to an inexperienced viewer, at first glance, this may not seem so. Often, the destructive effect is sewn into the advertising image so skillfully that it is impossible for even those who are well acquainted with these tricks to recognize it and, moreover, to defend themselves in time and not let it into the consciousness. It is impossible to analyze information every second; the brain will get tired of functioning in this mode sooner or later, and its throughput will decrease. Therefore, advertising creators initially rely on the unconscious. Even when an artist arbitrarily puts strokes on his drawing, he is always under the power of his unconscious and will draw what dominates in him: the divine genius or the embodiment of his problem, pathology, illness, schizophrenia. What advertising has an impact, how does it shape our subconscious? Let's consider some of the results of studies conducted at different times by motive analysts. For example, smokers are terribly loyal to their brand of cigarettes, but during special tests they cannot distinguish it from others. People smoke the entire image of a brand of cigarette. Only 6 people out of 300 subjects were able to distinguish the brand of three cigarettes offered to them. Hence the conclusion that the task of advertising is to create in the minds of consumers such images of goods that resonate in the unconscious and encourage consumers to purchase these particular goods. A huge role in the unconscious belongs to childhood experiences and fantasies based on them. Return to those repressed inThe unconscious experiences of childhood are especially vigorously exploited in the advertising of food, cigarettes and what we take orally. The basis here is the interpretation of the oral cavity as a zone of pleasure in infancy and fixation at the oral stage of development in the event of its shortage or absence (food, drink, smoking accessories, sucking and chewing candies and tablets, etc.). Therefore, many products acquire hidden psychological meaning and are the subject of numerous studies. Smoking, sucking and chewing relieve tension and calm. Freud wrote that “one of the undying desires of childhood is delusions of grandeur.” This motif is widely used in advertising of luxury goods, real estate, expensive cars, luxury hotels and vacation spots. Most often, advertising specialists explore the area of ​​the unconscious in women belonging to the middle classes, who account for about 80% of family decisions about new acquisitions, and almost everyday (a house or apartment is not bought every day). The purpose of the research is to find the best means to attract women to view advertising and to encourage them to make regular purchases. Observations of women have shown that they make purchases not according to a pre-compiled list (even if one has been compiled), but mainly under the influence of the abundance of goods and their apparent need. A big role in this is played by the appearance of the product, its smell, color and previously viewed or heard information. This is what advertising creators are counting on. Exploring the area of ​​the unconscious, analysts have established that objects are bodily symbols. The results of these studies have been used many times and very effectively in advertising. Psychoanalytic symbols of the male and female genital organs are used not only in advertising, but also in product design. For example, lipstick with the effect of wet lips is a direct reference to sexuality. Advertising is capable of emphasizing or leveling gender differences and introducing into consciousness the property that the advertiser needs at the moment. This is just one of the ways to create a need for a particular product. Men and women have different motives for purchasing the same goods. A man, for example, looks at a house as if it were his mother, to whom he came to rest after a day of work; a woman identifies herself with the house. In accordance with this, advertising is differentiated. Analysis of unconscious motives allows you to create advertising, the images of which cannot be invented on the basis of logical reasoning alone. Any advertising message affects first of all the unconscious, and only then the human consciousness. Motives used in advertising: CONSUMER MOTIVES We have long had a negative attitude towards the concept of “consumer”. Let us remember: “consumer attitude”, “consumer society”, etc. But if you look at it, it has the same root as the noun “need,” and a person has, has, and will have needs as long as he lives. Therefore, we will agree in advance to treat the word “consumer” without prejudice and in the future, for brevity, we will call anyone at whom advertising is aimed. Now let’s ask ourselves the question: what does a person do when viewing advertising brochures, a catalog or a video? Or rather, what is the nature of his activities? The answer suggests itself - of course, cognitive-evaluative. The consumer strives, first of all, to find out, obtain information about new products, their properties, functions, and at the same time constantly evaluates, decides for himself: will suit - will not suit, necessary - not necessary, take - not take, is there an opportunity to purchase? evaluative, like any purposeful activity, is based on certain motives and implies very specific results. Obviously, its goals are primarily related to satisfying human needs, and they are complex and diverse. It seems that there is no need to list them here or dwell on the existing classifications, described in detail in the psychological literature. However, without somecomments are indispensable. A person has many needs, but all of them, regardless of type or level, are connected by certain common properties. In particular, they are always objective, that is, aimed at something specific; there are simply no non-objective needs. They are constantly developing and expanding. They are cyclical, that is, they arise again and again - there is no one that can be satisfied once and for all. Finally, most human needs are satisfied only through the creation of a certain range of objects. The latter is extremely important for anyone who creates advertising. From here follows an important, psychologically based rule, without which it is impossible to develop an advertising concept - to convince that the product offered can satisfy your need better than others. Advertising acts as an incentive to activity by creating a purchase motive and creating a need to purchase this particular product. So, Let us recall that the main goal of the consumer’s cognitive-evaluative activity is satisfaction or search for means of satisfying existing needs. Information for thought. Motives are what motivates human activity, for the sake of which it is performed. In modern psychology, the term “motives” is used to designate various phenomena and states that cause the subject’s activity. The role of motives can be the needs and interests of the subject, drives and emotions, psychological attitudes and ideals. The primary form of existence of motives is material objects that meet the simplest material needs of man. Subsequently, his ideas and conscious goals become his motives. The activity of an individual is usually stimulated by several motives, one of which is leading, and the rest are subordinate. Sometimes a motive stimulates an impulse (motive-motivation), in this case we are talking about motivation - a set of factors that determine a certain readiness to achieve a goal. UTILITARIAN In this case, the consumer may be interested, first of all, in the performance characteristics of the product: warranty period, the possibility of quick and high-quality repair, durability, etc. Focusing on utilitarian motives, first of all, they emphasize such characteristics and qualities as reliability, productivity, efficiency, and operation. These data are accompanied by some comparative quantitative indicators, for example, the warranty period of the product is twice as long as that of similar ones. Moreover, “twice” is especially emphasized in order to attract the addressee’s attention to this. AESTHETIC Here the main emphasis in advertising is the appearance of the product, an attractive shape, an original color scheme, the possibility of a harmonious combination with other objects, that is, pronounced distinctive aesthetic properties. The text uses words such as “modern design solutions”, “original form”, “nobility of lines”, “pearl (not gray) color”, “exquisite taste”, etc. Note that aesthetic motives are one of the most strong, their role is eternal. Often we buy a thing only because it is beautiful, and not out of dire need for it. In addition, there is a widespread belief that beautiful things determine your good taste, and such a reputation is pleasant and prestigious. MOTIVES OF PRESTIGE They are more characteristic of representatives of certain social groups. For example, it is believed that a wealthy person should purchase things only in certain stores, although in the outskirts the same thing costs much less. Everyone knows that some goods are bought not only because they are very necessary, but to emphasize their status, material wealth and position in society. MOTIVES OF ACHIEVEMENT Essentially, they are close to the motives of prestige and fashion. It is not without reason that this technique is often used: a famous person advertises a product - an athlete, an artist, etc. Many admirers immediately follow his advice or example, as if bringing themselves closer to their idol, striving to become like him in at least some way. This desire for apparent similarity and achievement is very powerful. A famous person always attracts.
