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A hypertensive crisis is a serious emergency condition caused by an excessive increase in blood pressure, manifested clinically and requiring immediate reduction of blood pressure levels to prevent or limit target organ damage. This pathological condition is one of the most common reasons for calling an ambulance. Now I feel empty inside. All resources were drained. You need to recover from stress. So I'll put things aside for now. I will fulfill what I promised to everyone, but a little later. Sergey, I will make a presentation of my game, and we will test it, we will definitely play on Skype with the young ladies, as agreed. A little patience. I need to regain my strength. I remember everyone. Don't worry! Lilya, I will lay out the Tarot for your situation in life and tell you the result. Natasha, we will discuss my cards and their design, and I will come to visit you, but a little later. Julia, I will go through your meditation and share my insights. All the girls to whom I promised work with cards will also have to wait a little. I haven't forgotten anyone. Do not worry! A little pause. I will do the articles, prose, notes that I planned and promised to publish to you. I have everything written down. Many thanks to my family, friends, teacher, supervisor for your great support! Thank you for having me! You are best! May God grant you all Health, Harmony, Love and Happiness!!!!!!!! I feel a supportive circle of love and thank you for the warmth! 7-8-9.03.2023 – it was a tense period at home. For three days in a row, ambulances and different teams arrived. I saw these people and their characters. Some doctors are sympathetic, compassionate and merciful. Others are full of sarcasm, cynical, indifferent, cold, cruel. They speak as if they are straining water and sand through their teeth. Still others are the golden mean, but even they provided assistance and for this I am grateful to all the doctors. Of course, their work is very hard and they have to put on an iron shell so as not to break. But we, ordinary mortals and non-rescuers, cannot understand this; we want to receive more love and kindness from them. Classifications of hypertensive crises: Complicated hypertensive crisis - an emergency condition accompanied by damage to target organs; can lead to death, requires immediate medical attention and urgent hospitalization; Uncomplicated hypertensive crisis is a condition in which there is a significant increase in blood pressure with relatively intact target organs. Requires medical attention within 24 hours of onset; Hospitalization is usually not required; It is very difficult to realize that your mother, who yesterday was young, blooming and beautiful, today is a capricious and elderly woman. She was always capricious, but over the years she also became grouchy and grumpy. Pathological stubbornness, inflexibility and reluctance to be treated. All three days her blood pressure was stormy, and the amplitude of its fluctuations was so great: 260/188/194/212, down/up, back and forth, that I panicked and looked for support from my sister. For my mother, my sister was a more authoritative figure than me. An ambulance was called. They gave her a cardiogram, an injection, and gave her pills and Corvalol. Mom was informed that this was a hypertensive crisis, a pre-stroke condition, and a hospital was recommended. However, mom was stubborn. Our new therapist called us on the city phone, congratulated us on Women’s Day in a pleasant voice and was very surprised: “Are you afraid of Covid, but not of strokes?” – amazing! – I’ve seen enough of stroke patients, it’s not fun, I don’t recommend refusing to go to the hospital. The next day, a young, handsome man ran into our house. This was our therapist. He carefully took off his shoes and, leaving them on the doorstep, wearing a mask, went into the apartment, prescribed medications, asked to come back in 2 weeks, left, leaving behind the aroma of an expensive and pleasant perfume. Mom immediately balked, started arguing, and crossed out all the names on the back with a cross.prescription papers that the ambulance couldn’t even read. Although they have everything entered into the database. That's where we got the information from. Mom doesn't need all this. We are all bad, but she knows how to heal herself: cranberries, flax, calendula marigolds, herbs. All are “fools”, in short. The crews plodded around the apartment, with orange suitcases in their hands, leaving dirty, snowy footprints on the floor, without wearing shoe covers, masks, or even washing their hands, and I washed the floors all the time until one in the morning. Over the course of three days, a herd of people, as many as 7 or 8 people visited the house. Twice we packed our bag and documents for the hospital. My sister read detailed, terrible descriptions of bedridden patients after strokes to my mother and me, so that my mother’s brain would fall into place and awareness would turn on. Useless.https://meduniver.com/Medical/Anatom/410.html (Video lesson on the anatomy of the sulci and convolutions of the brain) I told my mother about the past, reminded her of the paralyzed grandmother, whom the whole family looked after. I described to her what my friend was going through now, caring for her paralyzed mother. I suggested, blackmailed, convinced. Everyone quarreled, there were conflicts. I said that soon the ambulance would fine us for all calls. That I will not endure this for the fourth day in a row, not sleeping at night, listening, afraid whether my mother will survive or not. I look at my mother, but she doesn’t seem to understand the situation, she laughs, when the ambulance comes, she says to me: “Yulia, I’m healthy, everything’s gone.” My cheeks are already red, I’m shaking all over, my right eye is twitching, full of stress, and my mother is resisting. I shout: “That’s enough, I’m calling an ambulance, you go immediately.” Mom scolds me, don’t call me. The ambulance tells me: “Pour hot water into a bottle, wrap it in a towel and place your feet for 40 minutes. - If after this period the pressure does not decrease, call for help again. I told my mother: - What kind of selfishness is this? Do you want to die? - Tired of living, tired? Do you want to be paralyzed? - I say cruel words out loud and they make me feel bad. In the development of a hypertensive crisis, the ratio of the total peripheral vascular resistance to the magnitude of cardiac output plays an important role. As a result of disturbances in vascular regulation, spasm of arterioles occurs, as a result of which the heart rate increases, a vicious circle develops and a sharp rise in blood pressure occurs, and due to spasm, many organs find themselves in a state of hypoxia, which can lead to the development of ischemic complications. The sister reads the instructions, studies the Internet, reviews, tells us: - if the heart is healthy, then stroke patients can lie for years, there are 2 types of strokes, with one they live and walk, with the other they do not. - quickly, call an ambulance, if you want her to have a stroke, everything will fall on your shoulders. - God forbid! Mom to me: - St. Bartholomew’s Eve is waiting for me again, my head hurts and so on. Me: - no night at home, you are going to the hospital, I said. Meditations and auto-trainings saved me greatly: - I am calm, I am always calm, I am persistent and 100% calm!!! Mom to me: - you want to get rid of me, throw me in the hospital, poison me, fuck you, leave me alone, you two fools, I’m already healthy, you’re crazy. A feeling of helplessness, poisoning inside the body, no strength to fight my mother. Is it necessary to fight? After all, every person has free will, a choice to live or not to live, to be treated or not, to die or not. Elderly people are a very complex, special group of people, and if by the age of 80 they also have cerebral circulatory disorders, then this is very difficult. You need to consult a neurologist and cardiologist. Daughters, take care of your mothers! It has been proven that during a hypertensive crisis there is hyperactivity of the renin-angiotensin system, which leads to a vicious circle that includes vascular damage, an increase in ischemia and, as a consequence, an increase in renin production. It was found that a decrease in the content of vasodilators in the blood leads to an increase in total peripheral vascular resistance. As a result, fibrinoid necrosis of arterioles develops and vascular permeability increases. Extremely important in determining the prognosis and associated complications is the presence and severitypathology of the blood coagulation system. When she was brought to the hospital, she sat in the hall from approximately one in the morning until 1:30 in the afternoon. A person with high blood pressure was left in the lobby for so many hours. There is no order in our country. There is no room in the hospital, so she was temporarily placed in a ward for short-term patients. During this time, the animal was examined daily and was never fed. It’s good that I poured a bottle of water for my mother and gave it to her with me. She had crackers, which she ate while she was waiting for the manager. I reconsidered my life, my relationship with my mother, and realized that there should be a different approach to a person. A friend says: - be cunning with her, learn it. And I'm not used to being cunning. I was taught to be honest and raised to be correct. As a result: mom is in the hospital and undergoing treatment there; I treat my nerves and take magnesium and B vitamins for eye twitching; we felt better mentally with our sister; With difficulty, the doctors lowered my mother’s blood pressure to 130 using IV drips; IV no. 1 did not reduce pressure; Here's how it all started. She hid her poor health from me. Yesterday I took a package to the hospital reception window. It was necessary to write on a piece of paper the place of the chamber, full name. and stick it on the bag. There is a quarantine there and no one is allowed to see the patients. We only talk to her on the phone. Next to her, in a room without a window, lie 5 more women over 80 years old. During a hypertensive crisis, symptoms of impaired blood supply to organs and systems, most often the brain and heart, are observed: An increase in systolic blood pressure by 40 mmHg. above the worker. . Headache. Dyspnea. Chest pain. Neurological disorders: vomiting, convulsions, impaired consciousness, in some cases, clouding of consciousness, strokes and paralysis. A hypertensive crisis can be fatal. A hypertensive crisis can be especially dangerous for patients with existing heart and brain diseases. What's wrong with me now? I have no strength, no energy, no desire to do anything. Life goes on. There will be a storm and again you need to move forward. We need to live. We got through it all. We went through this difficult period in our family. I received a lot of support from close friends. These were resources of warmth, sun, love, care, and participation. I was able to speak out, pour out my soul to them, ease my torment, suffering and realize that it is not my fault that people get sick, that relatives do not want to be treated, that people grow old, become decrepit and die. Our Life is a Great Gift! Let's not upset our loved ones and take care of our health in a timely manner! There is no need to create problems for anyone! If you have blues, depression, melancholy, despondency, then overcome these negative states, get distracted, take a walk. I read prayers to my mother for health, I was in church, lit candles, and took Holy water. However, I am not the Lord God and am not able to influence current events. We are all in the will of God. In 60% of cases, the cause of a hypertensive crisis is uncontrolled arterial hypertension, so effective treatment of hypertension is important. The prognostic course of hypertensive crises has been little studied. In the presence of complications, the prognosis of the disease depends on the type of complication that has arisen and the effectiveness of its therapy; in some cases, if medical care is not timely, the outcome of the condition may be disability or death. What can I do as a daughter for my mother today? What can I do for myself personally today? How can I take care of my future? What can my mother realize after this transformative situation? What can I realize after all this? How can I change my reactions and attitude? What should I prepare myself for today? Why were all of us in the family given this shake-up? We discussed these questions last night with my teacher, supervisor of my psychology degree, supervisor, and now close friend. It's time to wake up, stop going with the flow, living in a sleeping state, go back to childhood and the theme “nothing happens, everything is fine, I’m small and I’m safe, under
