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From the author: How to start correctly and finish the performance well. I invite you to a discussion. Hello, friends! Well, September has started, the school year has begun. Not too many of the students I knew were sincerely happy about this event, but nothing can be done)). In any case, I really hope that you had a good rest - and now with renewed vigor you will take up the practice of oratorical wisdom. Last time we talked about options for the structure of the main part of our speech. I assume that you have already tried some of them and found a few that are most suitable for yourself. I intended to finish the consideration of structural issues here and move on to the next topic. Your feedback, however, suggested another option - let's spend a little time today on the structure of the introduction and the final part of our speech. Introduction. We've talked about this more than once, but it's worth repeating - the introduction is extremely important to the success of the speech. Especially if this is the first meeting with the public, getting to know each other. The first impression can greatly facilitate our further work, or it can seriously complicate it. Beware of making the mistake of an amateur - prepare the introduction as carefully as the main part. And remember that our speech begins not when we started speaking, but much earlier - from the moment it was announced. Non-verbalism works for the speaker (or against him) all the time, so the first point of the introduction structure is not the word “Hello”, but going out to the public. They came out - beautifully, easily, confidently - took the speaker's place and - Initial pause. A high-status speaker is in no hurry to start speaking - he is waiting for everyone’s attention. Once you have waited, we begin to say: Greeting. It is often important to know who is in the room in order to choose the right greeting option. Now, of course, it is unlikely in response to “Hello, gentlemen!” you will hear: “Gentlemen are all in Paris,” but you can spoil the first impression with inappropriate address in any historical era)).Performance. You should not present yourself anyhow, but expediently. If we need to emphasize our expertise in the topic under consideration, we indicate the relevant regalia, experience - everything that confirms this expertise. Again, we remember the consistency of the style - in an academic environment one should hardly be called Vasya and, especially, Kolyan (of course, it’s a different matter if our goal is precisely to shock this audience). Goals. Let's briefly talk about what we'll talk about and why we're here. Of course, the real goal of the speaker does not always correspond to the declared one, but in any case, it doesn’t hurt to explain to the public what they should expect from our speech. Regulations and rules. It is useful to briefly talk about “technical” or “procedural” issues - how long it will take speech, whether there will be breaks (if you, for example, are going to conduct a three-hour training, you cannot do without them). Announcing the order in which questions will be asked—during the talk or at the end, verbally or in notes—will also greatly help the speaker. And it wouldn’t hurt to remind you once again about turning off your phones. Each specific case may have its own special rules - we spell out everything and make sure that the audience understands and accepts them. The duration of the introduction usually does not exceed 10-15 percent of the time of the entire performance - you should not delay it, let more time be left for the main part. After that , as the main part has been spoken, let's move on to the conclusion. Conclusion. The concluding part is also very important to achieve the purpose of the speech, so it is important to think through it carefully. Non-professionals often drag out the main part and make the conclusion in a hurry, haphazardly or completely forget about it - avoid this trap. It can ruin all your preliminary efforts. Brief summary. Once again, we briefly outline the main thoughts, theses, arguments of our speech - what the audience must certainly understand and remember. Call to action / instructions. Usually a speech is given in order to motivate the audience to action - it is important to clearly tell them what they are/
