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Friends, I am sharing my author's test "Current status for now." I invite you to go through it and share your opinion or react to the publication. Instructions: Imagine that you are starting to paint a picture that is important to you. What will you draw first?1. Yourself2. Sun3. Smiley4. Abstraction5. Different people6. Animal7. Geometric figures ATTENTION: there can be only ONE answer. Results: 1. You start the drawing with a picture of yourself. This suggests that today there is uncertainty in yourself or in the matter that is currently relevant to you. You spend a lot of energy and leave little time for rest. This makes your insecure state even stronger. Slow down and do constructive self-reflection.2. You start your drawing with an image of the sun. This means that right now your determination is at a higher level than ever. For you, any business is a delight, a source of energy. Because you understand that the goal you are persistently pursuing is close. Continue in the same spirit, just remember about the proper distribution of internal resources to prevent burnout.3. You start your drawing with an image of a smiley face. The state of fantasy and spontaneity is so close to you. Most likely, you are experiencing this not only now, but for a long time. It makes you feel more comfortable and safer. However, this same condition slows down your further growth because it prevents you from taking responsibility for the result. It is necessary to put things in order in fantasies, leaving only what leads to real actions.4. You start your drawing with abstract images, this speaks of your inspiring state at the moment. Most likely, your inspiration is also enough for those around you, you like to share it. This is a cool and resourceful state. Your task is to understand what exactly in your life causes this condition and implement what you discover on an ongoing basis into your life. After all, it is thanks to this that it is easy for you now.5. You start your drawing with pictures of different people. This means that you are dependent on a specific person or several people at the same time. They tolerated, justified, “understood” for too long. And now you feel out of place. The great news is that you are actively working on yourself or are ready to start doing things that will help you get out of a negative state.6. You start your drawing with an image of an animal, this speaks of the fatigue that you feel now. Most likely, this is due to the fact that you did too much for other people. They helped where they weren't asked. As a result, they exhausted their resources and did not give themselves time to recover. Instead, they re-engaged in activism. Therefore, the first and most important thing you can do to help yourself is to take off the “rescuer’s cloak” and hang it in the closet))) And shift the focus of attention to yourself - find an express opportunity to restore internal balance.7. You start your drawing by drawing geometric shapes. This indicates a state of tension, a reluctance to engage in any activity. You really want a simple and easy ending to the events you are currently experiencing. Now it is important for you to understand that the state you are in now is not permanent. It takes time for you to regain peace and inspiration. And this time will come as soon as the situation you are in now is resolved. Be patient, draw the maximum conclusions from the event that happened to you and continue to act as before, but with the experience gained.
