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Really, why? Psychologists are only for abnormal people, but my child is normal - this is what many parents think... It is still unusual for us that with many problems that arise in everyday life and with ordinary learning difficulties, we can seek help from a specialist. During adolescence teenagers assert themselves in every way available to them. Guys strive to be adults, independent, independent. They are looking for their own path and style. Often, many of them try to stand out from the crowd - in appearance, behavior, talents. Many of them reject the values ​​​​instilled in them in their parents' family. Boys and girls become secretive .It seems to them that their parents do not understand them. Changes in hormonal levels inevitably lead to changes in behavior. Parents and children may have acute problems in relationships. Your child needs the help of a specialist if you notice: a sharp deterioration in academic performance; isolation, lack of desire communicate; aggressiveness, craving for “bad” companies and habits; excessive temper, uncontrolled emotionality; anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts; migraines, nausea, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome and other psychosomatic manifestations. What is the main benefit of psychological help? Everyone knows, that adolescence is a difficult crisis period. Many problems that teenagers face are often attributed to “difficult age” and “hormonal fluctuations.” Hormonal levels can indeed influence mood and behavior - but this does not mean that the situation should be left to chance. There is a problem: A teenager is experiencing many intrapersonal conflicts: a conflict between his own desires and upbringing, aspirations and capabilities. There is a solution: A psychologist understands the child, builds a trusting relationship with him and helps him build boundaries, listen and understand himself. There is a problem: For a teenager, this aspect is extremely important confidentiality. He may refuse to tell his parents about his problems or will hush up some situations. There is a solution: A psychologist is able to find an individual approach to a child and build trusting relationships. A psychologist helps a teenager become more self-confident, develop consciousness, gives rational recommendations, guides the teenager on the path of self-development and success in life. There is a problem: Teenagers are often in a state of apathy, loneliness and loss. Severe emotional states are extremely dangerous for the child’s physical and mental health. There is a solution: The psychologist builds a special empathic connection with the child, sometimes becoming his only confidant. This is especially valuable if the family has problems with openness and intimacy. Methods and forms of work of a psychologist with adolescent children: In his work, the psychologist uses special psychocorrectional and psychotherapeutic methods of work, aimed at teenage children, aimed at solving current problems. With the help of special games, art therapeutic techniques, a psychologist working with a child, receives a wide variety of information about the child’s traumas, fears, and conflicts. The game often reflects the social situation in which the child develops, as well as his relationships with especially significant adults. By using special techniques of symbol drama, gestalt therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, art therapy, etc., a teenager can find solutions to his problems.
