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Getting rid of the pelvic clamp. If you are asking yourself - do I have a pelvic clamp? You can safely answer - yes. In all the years of working with women, I have not met one without him. Of course, our upbringing is to blame for this. When a girl of about five begins to study herself and suddenly discovers that she has something between her legs, the frightened parents shout: ugh, what disgusting, what a shame, don’t interfere, she’ll fall off! The girl goes to kindergarten and in the toilet shared with the boys he sees that they have a “sausage”, but she doesn’t have one. Oops. And interest in your body increases. But she remembers that this is dirty and shameful, so she continues to study herself, but now secretly, behind the sofa or under the table. Mixed with her interest is a feeling of shame, an introduction to the forbidden. But a good girl stops doing this, forgets that she has something there. Over time, neural connections begin to block the non-existent place. The head is there, the arms are there, the stomach is there, and then the legs, for some, right from the ears. Entering adulthood and joining the world of sex, the block does not go away. It cannot be removed by a skillful partner or careful study of Indian treatises. How to do it? Step 1. Admit that there is a problem. And even if you experience an orgasm, believe me, it can be much brighter if you restore neural connections with your yoni. Step 2. Develop your sensitivity. Our hands are the most sensitive part of the body. We check the softness of the fabric, the temperature of the water and the body, and apply it to the bruised area. And besides your hands, you also have a whole organism! Imagine that your whole body feels too! Allow yourself to learn to feel the silk of the sheets on the surface of your thigh or back. And feel how different the sensations are from the same surface! And if you open the window and lie down naked, which part of the body will feel the first blow of the wind? Maybe it's the stomach? Or your chest? Close your eyes, feel the air temperature in the room, the freshness of the wind from an open window, the hardness of the mattress, the softness of the pillow, mentally transport yourself to the ocean shore, turn on meditation or pleasant music. Add your stomach. How do you breathe? Enjoy every breath, reveal the fullness of the aromas, and now the sounds, you hear, somewhere in the distance the highway is noisy, your neighbor’s TV is on, the noise of voices, the singing of birds, and now focus on one sound - it could be the beating of your heart or the purring of your cat your legs. Allow yourself to include all the senses, and then blur these sensations, leaving one at a time, the most pleasant. What’s wrong with your lower abdomen? Is he relaxed? Or constrained, filled with heaviness, pain, self-violence? Recognize your sensations and feelings, give them space. Stay with them. And when you are ready, get out of this state. The first steps on the path to yourself have been taken. We'll talk about the next ones a little later. With love, your psychologist Marina Rubinskikh
