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The ability to restrain your emotions, especially negative ones, is a sign of good manners, and a mandatory attribute of a successful business person. An uncontrolled outburst of anger can cause harm and ruin your career or personal life. The price to pay for a moment of weakness can be unreasonably high. Today there is a fairly popular opinion that holding back negative emotions is wrong and even harmful. However, as often happens, only the tip of the iceberg went to the “people”. Containment and suppression of emotions are two different things. Suppression has a destructive effect, while containment is the control of emotions. By learning such control, we can reduce stress levels, restrain emotions, and at the same time not harm either our health or those around us. Controlling emotions means the ability to recognize them and not inflame them, not wind them up. How to learn to restrain yourself and control yourself? Control over an emotion is easiest at the very beginning, when it first appears. At the first stage, you need to recognize anger, identify it from other emotions - resentment, helplessness, etc. Be a detached spectator. Where in your body do you feel it? What does she look like? Imagine a visual, auditory image, its temperature... Formulate the reason (“I’m angry because ....”). Often, after speaking, the anger disappears. In Japan, with the inherent restraint in expressing emotions among its inhabitants, there is the lowest percentage of deaths from vascular and heart diseases. In social life, the Japanese do not allow themselves to show feelings, because they know how to control them. If we prefer not to notice our aggression, do not consciously give it a way out, it will not go away; it will remain in us, albeit in a suppressed form. Aggressiveness is inherent in us by nature in order to relieve us of excessive stress. Accumulated emotions - anger, anger - destroy us from the inside, cause body diseases, fatigue and depression. If you have already brought yourself to this state, you can and should free yourself from accumulated emotions. How to do this as carefully as possible towards yourself and others? Try to express your emotions on a physical level. Sports, fitness, boxing, martial arts... Find a place where you can scream to your heart's content - it can be a secluded place, or crowded, for example, attractions. Write a “hate letter” and do something destructive with it - burn it, tear it, drown it... Talk, tell us about your anger. If you can, to your offender, if not, in the mirror. By talking through everything you are experiencing, the anger will dry up. Later, you will be able to understand the one who hurt you, and sincere forgiveness will completely rid you of aggression. If you are regularly angry, it makes sense to keep a diary and write down all the incidents that caused your anger. Describe your reaction, thoughts, feelings. Then you can analyze and perhaps identify a pattern. An adequate assessment of what is happening will help you work on your aggression. Learn to pause. You are angry; you don’t have to give a reaction right away. Take a break. Take a deep breath and exhale, count to 10. Count how many flower pots are there in the room? How many white objects are there in the room? How many keys are on the keyboard? If the words just keep coming out of your mouth, mentally put some water in your mouth. These techniques will help you temporarily relieve aggression and feel better. It is better not to mess with aggressive people. But what to do if contact is inevitable? If possible, do not stand opposite each other. The best location is next to the side. Change your location at least a couple of steps, moving away from the place where you encountered the aggressor. When threatened with physical violence, try not to look into the eyes, this is perceived as a direct challenge. Pause under any pretext. Switch your attention. When communicating, adapt to the pace of speech of the interlocutor, gradually slowing down the pace and reducing the volume. Outbursts of anger are a protective reaction of the body, internal fuses of the body. It is important to understand and accept your emotions, to be able to control them, without judging yourself.
