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“As long as I live, I am amazed at my parents. My achievements are never enough for them. No matter what I achieve, they always lack something. Certificate for second place – oh, what’s not first? You signed up for courses - oh, why can’t you complete the full training, a diploma with three B’s - oh, why couldn’t you do without B’s? And so throughout life. They always had nothing to praise me for. This hurts me so much. How much I cried, how upset I was. They always wanted to see me as an ideal child. I'm not saying that they always compared me with someone. I want my parents to appreciate me for who I am and be happy about even a simple certificate for participation. After all, I don’t need any gifts, but I just dream that mom and dad just love me.” First, we must understand what goal we are pursuing with you: I’m tired of second places, I want to win to prove to my parents that At least I’m worth something. I’m tired of second places, I want to win, first of all, for myself. I can no longer see my parents devaluing me. I want them to love me for who I am. I suffer from my parents constantly comparing me to others. I want them to focus their attention on me. I'm tired of my parents wanting to make me a prodigy. I want to talk to them and explain that it is unpleasant and painful for me from their reaction. Success or victory are subjective concepts for each person. Therefore, victory for the first is gold at the Olympics, for the second it is recovery from ARVI, for the third it is the first word in their life. How do you see your success? How big does the victory have to be for you to feel good and confident? Some parents want their children to make them not only happy and tender, but also proud. Sometimes many of them really go too far in pursuit of their child being ahead of the curve, despite the interests of their daughter or son. There is no talk of taking into account their capabilities. First of all, you must focus on your needs and interests in the future. Of course, there is nothing happier for a child than the feeling of pride that their parents feel for them. But in everything there must be a measure with its inherent adequacy. You cannot jump over your head if your physical characteristics and capabilities do not allow it. Children are not a means in the struggle for a place in the sun. Children need to be raised and developed in accordance with their age characteristics and level of development, given time to them and cared for. Don’t forget to praise your child even if he has learned to tie his shoelaces. Motivate them and then you will get what you want without trauma to the psyche and soul of your children. How do you feel about the model of education discussed in the preface? Sign up for a consultation: Phone, WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram: +7 913 380-83-42Skype : as3808342 Savenko Andrey VladimirovichA better future awaits you!
