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From the author: Let's talk about feelings. In essence, this is a ready-made program for working with feelings. “Does the King of your country remember that he is the King?...” Dear friends, you probably read fairy tales to your children every day? This means that you are engaged in fairy tale therapy and are acting wisely. One of the meanings of the word “therapy” is care. By telling your child fairy tales and discussing them, you take care of the development of his soul and intellect. The fact is that fairy tales, legends, parables, and myths contain extremely important information for human life. The child perceives it unconsciously. A symbolic “card index” of the Bank of Life Situations is created in his unconscious. Until a person begins to independently reflect on the laws of life, this “card index” is in a passive state, but, nevertheless, influences the formation of a value system. It is this process that the fairytale therapist and sensitive parent are actively involved in. After all, fairy tale therapy is also “nutrition” of the life axis, the moral core of a person. Unobtrusive, soft, correct. Fairy tale therapy requires patience and wisdom from both the psychologist and the parent. A fairy tale becomes a context, a starting point for joint reflection between a child and an adult. But in order for fairy tales, parables, myths, and legends to begin to reveal their secrets, you need to learn to control your feelings, otherwise they will “cloud the mind” and interfere with the knowledge of the laws of life. Therefore, our story is for those who do not yet know that feelings are our servants. A fairy tale about the King and his servants-feelings. Do you know that not far, far away, but very close to us, there is a magical country? It is within us. The sages call it the Inner World. So, this country is ruled by the King. He has many servants, but among them there are special servants - they are called senses. You, of course, know the names of some of them. These are Joy, Pleasure, Interest, Anger, Fear and Resentment. Each feeling servant has his own home, and they come to their King at his first request. Let's imagine what happens to the King when a servant named Joy comes to him. Of course, the King rejoices, arranges a feast, dances... But what do you think will happen if a servant named Joy stays with his master for a long time? You are absolutely right: the King will get tired, the state treasury will be empty, and important things will not be done. Imagine what will happen to the King and his subjects if servants named Anger or Fear stay with him for a long time? Of course, it’s not pleasant enough. Therefore, all servant-senses have an amazing magical quality - MEASURE. Thanks to the fact that every servant KNOWS when to stop, he comes when the King needs it and leaves on time. And everything would have been fine and smooth in this magical land, if one day a story had not happened... It all started when several of the King’s courtiers began to say: “Why do we need these nasty Anger, Fear, Resentment? When they come, we quarrel, fight, it’s very unpleasant for us. Let's persuade the King to drive these servants out of the country!” The King was wise and stopped his courtiers. But if they speak badly about us behind our backs, whisper and wink at us behind our back, will we feel it? Certainly! Will we be pleased or unpleasant? Of course it's unpleasant! And when we feel unpleasant, what things will we do faster: good and bad? Many people, when bad things are said about them, get offended and do not very good things. This is what happened in this story... So, on a dark night, servants named Resentment, Anger and Fear gathered at the edge of the forest. Resentment, with an offended pursing of her lips, talked about how they wanted to kick them out of the country. “You see, they live better without us! You see, they don’t need us at all!” - Resentment snorted, and the servant named Anger clenched his fists. “We will show them what we can do! Let’s put the King in prison, let’s rule the country, and they’ll dance with us!” Without thinking twice, the conspirators made their way into the palace, grabbed the sleeping King, and threw him into prison. When the courtiers the next morning,As usual, they gathered in the throne room, they froze in horror and amazement. On the royal throne sat a servant named Fear. He tried to put the crown on his head, but it was magical and slipped off. Then a servant named Anger angrily threw her under the throne. What do you think was the first decree of the new ruler? Yes, it was decided to declare war on a neighboring state. In addition, from now on, every resident of the kingdom had to inform on their neighbors, resolve all disputes with their fists, and frighten each other with all sorts of troubles. Can you imagine what life was like in the country, especially since servants named Joy, Pleasure and Interest were expelled from it? Of course, the country was destroyed, all its inhabitants walked around hungry, ragged and beaten by each other. This is what can happen to a country if it is not the legitimate King who is in power, but Resentment, Anger and Fear, who have forgotten about Measure!.. Wizards say that the same thing happens inside a person if he constantly quarrels and fights with everyone , is offended... But we forgot about the exiles, the servants of the King - Joy, Pleasure, Interest. Of course, their hearts could not bear such a terrible sight. They remembered that far, far away, behind the mountains, behind the forests, there lives a sorceress named Lyubov. Oh, and the path to the sorceress was not easy! How many trials did the King’s faithful servants have to endure? And fight with terrible cannibals and giant ants, go through the Black Forest... But they reached the kingdom of Love. After washing from the well, they felt an incredible surge of strength. There was no doubt - they felt Love. The sorceress gave the travelers a vessel with Love so that they would take it to their master. After all, this was the salvation of their country. The way back was not so difficult. Moreover, the King’s faithful servants were inspired by Love. So you and I learned that the most important thing in the inner fairyland is Love. Let's put our hand to our heart: after all, it is there, according to ancient legends, that Love lives. It allows you to take care of yourself and loved ones, helps create a good mood, gives you strength to do good deeds, teaches you to forgive those who have offended us... Do you feel the warmth? And I feel it. This means that there is a lot of Love in our hearts. We can give it to each other and our loved ones, listening to our hearts... Now listen to what happened next. Of course, the way home is easier than from home. Especially if you are carrying a vessel with Love! So, the servants named Joy, Pleasure and Interest reached their country, found the prison and freed the King. As soon as the ruler took a sip from the vessel with Love, strength, confidence, courage and wisdom returned to him. With a proud step, he went to the throne room. As soon as the impostors - servants named Resentment, Anger and Fear - saw the King, they trembled and fell to their knees. And the courtiers hissed: “Here, Your Majesty, we told you, we had to get rid of these servants, and nothing would have happened!” But the King stopped them: “It’s not about my servants, it’s about bad thoughts and conversations! I give them three days, let them decide for themselves whether to leave our country or find a worthy use for themselves in it.” So said the magnanimous King. Do you think he did the right thing? And so, three days later, servants named Anger, Resentment and Fear came to the King and said: “Your Majesty, forgive us!” We ask forgiveness from all the inhabitants of the kingdom! We remembered Mera and understood our purpose in the country. Let us build our houses AT THE BORDER OF THE STATE. - Why on the border? – the King was surprised. “I, Your Majesty,” said the servant named Fear, “are the most sensitive, the most careful, I sense danger far away, and I can warn you about it in time.” You will have time to face trouble with dignity, or to prevent it. “I, Your Majesty,” said the servant named Anger, “will give you strength to fight the enemy, and will help you quickly punish the offender.” But now I won’t overdo it, I’ll remember about Measure. “And I, Your Majesty,” said the servant named Resentment, “.
